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Fred Meyer Community Rewards
by Musser, Nicole (South Middle School)

  YOU CAN HELP SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL EARN DONATIONS   JUST BY SHOPPING WITH YOUR FRED MEYER REWARDS CARD! Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the pr...

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Notable News
Amazon Smile
by Musser, Nicole (South Middle School)

If you shop on Amazon, please consider shopping AmazonSmile and earning money for South Middle School! AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on The difference is that w...

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Notable News
SMS Bell Schedule
by Rossiter, Danielle (South Middle School)

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by Rossiter, Danielle (South Middle School)

REMINDERS School Doors Open at 8:15am... Parents & students, just a reminder that school doors open officially at 8:15am, so if students are arriving before 8:15am, there is not any supervision. Cafeteria doors open at 7:50am for breakfast. Thank you! Bus Notes Please send notes fo...

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New Student Orientation BBQ!!!
by Rossiter, Danielle (South Middle School)

We will be serving hotdogs, chips, fruit, cookies & drinks! This is a time for new students & parents to meet teachers, the Dean of Students,  Assistant Principal and Principal, get schedules, locker assignments and enjoy a dinner at their new school.  Free to all families of incom...

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Notable News
Principal's Letter
by Weiss, Jeff (South Middle School)

Dear Parents,                                                &nbs...

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Notable News
by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

As a student: I know that I should do my personal best. Therefore I will: · Come to school daily and on time with the supplies I need. · Turn in assignments, homework, RAH slips, and library books on time. · Listen carefully and ask questions if I don’t understand. &mi...

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by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

When parents want to request homework for their children who missed school, they must call the school office before 11:00 am.  This allows teachers time in between instructing students to prepare the homework packets.  Parents may pick up the homework at the office between 2:30 and 3:30 pm...

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Bike and Scooter Safety
by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

Students who ride bicycles, scooters or skateboards to school in the morning should not arrive before 7:30 a.m.  A helmet must be worn when riding a bicycle or skateboard to school.  This is Oregon law. Skateboards are not allowed on buses. Bikes and scooters must be walked on sch...

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by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

AFTER SCHOOL PLANS AND LAST MINUTE CHANGES Please send a note with your student in the morning when you know that their going home plan will be different than normal.  If we do not have a note or a phone call, we will not be able to alter the going home plan.  Please call before 1:45 pm...

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by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

Students can arrive at school at 7:30am.  We do not have supervision for your child before this time, so please don't drop them off before 7:30am.  They can be dropped off at the front doors and walk to the cafeteria where breakfast is being served. Your childs' classrooms are open...

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Notable News
Birthday Celebration Policy
by Coulter, Mandi R (Riverside)

Birthdays are a time to celebrate! If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday at school, please follow these guidelines to make the day a success for the teacher and your child. Contact the teacher a few days prior to when you wish to have the celebration. Treats must be store...

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Nurse's Notes
by Covrig, Martha (Riverside)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES Students with asthma, allergies, heart problems, diabetes, seizures, and other conditions should have a health protocol on file to provide guidelines for their health and safety at school. When you completed the on-line InfoSnap registra...

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Message From The Principal
by Henderson, Rob (Riverside)

I am really excited to welcome all of our Riverside families to the 2016-2017 school year.  This will be my 16th year working in the Grants Pass School District as a teacher and administrator and I feel very blessed and fortunate to be the new Principal at Riverside Elementary! Riverside is a g...

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September and October Calendars
by Mandi Coulter (Riverside)

9/16/2016 to 9/23/2016 - PTA Fall Fundraiser 9/27/2016 - PTA Fundraiser Money Due 9/29/2016 - School Pictures 9/29/2016 - 6:00pm-7:00pm Open House 9/30/2016 - NO SCHOOL 10/5/2016 - National Walk/Bike to School 10/7/2016 - PTA Fundraiser Award Winners Limo Ride 10/13/2016 - 5:30p...

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Nurses Notes
by Martha Covrig (Redwood)

NURSE’S NOTES Students with asthma, allergies, heart problems, diabetes, seizures, and other conditions should have a health protocol on file to provide guidelines for their health and safety at school. If your child has one or more of the above conditions, but does not have a protocol, ple...

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Picture Day
by Mrs. Davidson (Redwood)

 Redwood's Picture Day is Monday, October 5 for all grade levels.  Order portraits now at using Picture Day ID LO915188Y0. More information will be coming home with your student(s).

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Annual Parent Notifications
by Mrs. Davidson (Redwood)

DIRECTORY INFORMATION Grants Pass School District No. 7 holds all information about students as being confidential except for “Directory Information.” This includes student/parent’s legal name, address, telephone listing, electronic address, date and place of birth, photograph, ...

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District News
by Patrice Davidson (Redwood)

Welcome back Roadrunners Welcome back Roadrunners, we are excited for the 2015-16 school year to start and I know you are too.  Our custodians have been busy this summer cleaning, painting and getting the school in tip top shape,  so if you see them, let them know how much you apprecia...

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1950 Graduate Returns for 65th Reunion
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

Ester Edwards (maiden name Commons) graduated 65 years ago from GPHS. Recently back in town for her 65th reunion, she stopped by the high school to visit and take a tour. While looking through some scrapbooks from Orville Miller she found an article about herself. She was named the May Queen. ...

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Board Seeking Community Input on Qualities of Next GPSD7 Superintendent
by Pat Bishop (Grants Pass School District 7)

At the August 18th Grants Pass School District No. 7 Special Board Meeting, the Board approved the process to select a replacement for retiring Superintendent John Higgins.  The Board determined that all qualified candidates (both in and out of District) submitting applications in accordance wi...

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South Middle School Summer Gardening
by Bethany Osborne-Koch (South Middle School)

Who: Students and parents of South Middle School What: Participating in the summer garden means helping to maintain the garden by planting, watering, weeding and harvesting fresh produce throughout the summer months. When: Wednesdays in July and August at 10-11:00am ( Are you going to ea...

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Now Hiring School Bus Drivers
by Carey Smith (Grants Pass School District 7)

DRIVERS WANTED – DRIVE A SCHOOL BUS - SAFE DRIVERS NEEDED:  $13.73 per/hr. to start. Drivers needed to transport students in the AM & PM or on activity runs with flexible hours.  Applicants should have excellent communication skills, a good driving record, no criminal records, th...

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Books in the Park
by Emma Buckley (Grants Pass School District 7)

Books in the Park is a free story time program, taking place during the Grants Pass School District #7 Free Summer Lunch program for children ages 0-18 at various parks in the community. The story times take place at two of these parks: Lawnridge Park on Mondays, and Rinehart All Sports Park on Thur...

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Summer Lunch Program
by Brendan Linderman (Grants Pass School District 7)

This summer, children can enjoy free lunches through the Summer FoodService Program, a federally funded nutrition program open to all kids ages 1-18 years. No applications are necessary to drop in and all children and teens are welcome. • For too many children, the end of the school year mea...

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Advice to Underclassmen
by Bryanna Moore - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

The time has come, my friends. As the class of 2015 ventures off to carry out their various post high school endeavors, juniors rise to take their place and this year’s underclassmen move up another level in the definitive rankings of seniority. But what wisdom does this senior class have to i...

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Reflections on Graduation
by Bryce Thompson - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

Graduation. If you're a senior and you read that you probably just got a rush of adrenaline, and if you're not a senior reading this you probably got some far off fanciful look in your eye. For many, it marks some sort of completion, closure, of adolescence in a ritualized ceremony, one o...

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Notable News
GPSD Now Accepting Interdistrict Transfer Applications
by Human Resources (Grants Pass School District 7)

Grants Pass School District is now accepting Incoming Interdistrict Transfer requests for the 2015-16 school year. Applications will be accepted June 10th thru July 10th. Please click on the link below to view important information and to access the links to the application forms. Interdistrict T...

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Arches: A Beautiful Tradition
by Frances Maurer (Grants Pass High School)

In 1920, Grants Pass High School began a beautiful and impressive tradition among southern Oregon high schools, when they designed arches of roses for the senior class to parade through as they entered their graduation ceremony. Today, this tradition is in its 95th year, and the audience and student...

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South Middle School 6th Grade Science Field Trip
by Eva Pieper (South Middle School)

Watershed Science Last week, South’s sixth grade science students traveled to the Deer Creek Center and spent the day participating in the Siskiyou Field Institute’s Watershed Science program.  This program gives students a hands-on, inquiry based opportunity to investigate the D...

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State Track & Field Meet
by Jenner Yriarte (Grants Pass High School)

Hayward Field in Eugene, OR is the birthplace of Nike, Steve Prefontaine, Olympic Trials, World Records, and the site of the best Track and Field in the World. It’s named “Historic” Hayward Field and that’s what the Grants Pass Caveman Track and Field Team did....Made History...

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Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (North Middle School)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES We prepare our children for school and their future, by providing healthy foods, exercise and play opportunities, well child doctor visits, as well as including reading from a young age.  Preparing for emergencies is another way we ...

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Notable News
GPHS Scholarship Night
by Coleen Moore (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School celebrated our 2015 Awards Night on May 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Art Center.  The Josephine County Educational Fund sponsored the scholarship program.  There were 487 scholarship awards presented by 61 community members, to 181 senior students.  We had...

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Metals: The Silent Foundation of GPHS
by Natasha Matola - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

Metal is defined as a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. Our GP Metals has been our silent foundation for many years and it’s time we give them some recognition for their amazing work. Currently, M...

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Jr/Sr Games
by Jalynn Dinkins (Grants Pass High School)

The Senior class is always looking for a way to prove they are the superior grade.  Friday, May 8th, is no exception as they face off against the Junior class in this year’s Jr/Sr Games.  Each grade will bring their spirit, talent, sportsmanship, and creativity to the event.  It...

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Rotary 2015 Wrap-up
by Robert Lingo (Grants Pass High School)

The 66th annual Grants Pass Rotary Track and Field meet will go down as a meet for the ages.  32 teams from across Oregon and Northern California competed under near perfect conditions. The meet was highlighted by a number of electric performances that ranked amongst some of the best in the ...

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Kindergarten Round-Up
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

All Grants Pass School District #7 Elementary Schools will each be hosting a Kindergarten Round-up on May 13, 2015. Grants Pass School District #7 – 2015/16 Kindergarten Round-up Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Attend Round-up at your neighborhood GPSD7 Elementary S...

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SOMSAC District Meet
by Robert Lingo (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High’s Russ Werner Field will play host to 12 local middle schools from around Southern Oregon for the District Track Meet.  The meet will take place May 9th, with field events starting at 9:00 a.m. and running events beginning at 9:30 a.m.  Come out and support our local...

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Kindergarten Round-Up
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

If you have a child who will be entering kindergarten next year, please plan to attend Kindergarten Round-Up on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 from 6:00 - 7:30 . Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015. You will need to bring your child's birth certificate, immunization records, ...

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Letter from the Principal
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

It's that time again when the beautiful weather is upon us and I can see the change it is having on everyone. There are many exciting activities happening this time of the year. Please make sure you read all communication that are sent home from your teachers so you don't miss out! A HUGE...

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Notable News
Freedom Run
by Tonya Doane (Riverside)

The GPHS Athletic Booster Club is sponsoring the 2nd annual Freedom Run.  Since last year was such a success the Booster Club is making it an annual event.  The run will take place Saturday, May 23rd  at 9:30 am.  We have added a 5 mile to the event this year.  The “Gr...

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Redwood Elementary School Update
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

Classes will resume Monday, May 4, 2015 - We are pleased to announce that we will be reopening Redwood Elementary on Monday, May 4th as anticipated.  A huge thank you to the Redwood and District 7 custodial staff who spent the day disinfecting and sanitizing the entire building including th...

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From GP to DC and Back in 2015!
by Brandi Wright (South Middle School)

This Spring Break 41 students from South Middle School and 8 adults got the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. This trip was not only rewarding to the kids, but the parents too! We got to visit all the different memorials, watch the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery, visit 4 of ...

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GPHS DC Band Trip
by Dawn Boyd (Grants Pass High School)

After 16 months of planning, the Grants Pass High School Band took to the skies on April 7th and flew to Washington, D.C. to perform at the 2015 National Cherry Blossom Festival.  Performance venues included the Lincoln Memorial, Mount Vernon and Independence Park in Philadelphia. The week-l...

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Nurse's Notes
by Kathy Robinson (North Middle School)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES The school year is almost over and summer break will soon be here.  Summer plans usually include some days in the water, in the sun and having fun.  Don’t forget to use healthy habits like sunscreen an...

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Notable News
SkillsUSA State Competitions
by Christopher Rossetta (Grants Pass High School)

The Grants Pass High School SkillsUSA students completed their state competitions April 17-18 in Portland. SkillsUSA is a United States career and technical student organization serving more than 320,000 high school and college students and professional members enrolled in training programs in techn...

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News Release
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE SCHEDULES COMMUNITY HEARINGS ACROSS OREGON (SALEM) – The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Ways and Means Committee will kick off a series of public hearings on the state budget Friday evening at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande. Members of the commit...

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Blue Note Jazz Fest 2015
by Dawn Boyd (Grants Pass High School)

Join us at the 4th annual Blue Note Jazz Fest this weekend - Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25.  The Jazz Fest has expanded into a two-day event, offering a variety of great music – jazz with a twist of funk and soul.  Friday night doors open at 5:30 pm, concert begins at 7:00 ...

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GPSD Math Textbook Adoption
by Trisha Evens (Grants Pass School District 7)

Grants Pass School District’s School Board is considering adoption recommendation from Grants Pass High School for Math Adoption.  The materials being recommended are to be used in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II courses starting in the fall of 2015.  The recommendation is for Bi...

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Middle School Honor Orchestra Promenade Concert
by Laura Boldon (Grants Pass School District 7)

The Grants Pass Middle School Honor Orchestra Presents its final Promenade Concert Tuesday, April 14nd, 2015 7:00pm - GPHS Performing Arts Center   - Admission is free - This auditioned honor ensemble has had a busy season, which will conclude with a performance at Di...

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GP Winterguard Wins NWAPA Championship Title
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

Congratulations to the Grants Pass Winterguard for taking home the 1st place NWAPA (Northwest Association of Performing Arts) Championship title on Saturday, April 4th!  The team swept the board winning 1st place in every category in both prelims and finals in the Regional A Division and had an...

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GPHS Robotics
by Calen Ray (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School has numerous CTE (Career & Technical Education) courses; however, one of the most overlooked classes is Robotics.  Likely because, Robotics as a formal class is new this year.   This (new) class has many resources and offers experience with hands on robotic...

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Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (South Middle School)

Nurse’s Notes Nurse’s Notes Nurse’s Notes Nurse’s Notes Nurse’s Notes   Spring has sprung (early this year) and seasonal allergies are in full force. An allergy is the body’s overreaction to an allergen such as pollen or grass that makes the body itch,...

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Oregon State Assessment Testing in D7
by Trisha Evens (Grants Pass School District 7)

State Assessment testing for students in 3rd through 8th grade and 11th grade will begin during the month of April and extend through the month of May.  Students will be tested in English Language Arts (reading and writing) and math using the Smarter Balance Assessment.  Science will be as...

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GP Winterguard
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

Another congratulations to the GP Winterguard team taking first place at their Skyview Competition on Saturday, March 7th.  The team competed against four other teams in their division, the largest division this year, with a total of nine guards that competed that day.  The team swept ever...

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GPHS Mock Trial Team has Successful Season
by Christopher Rossetta (Grants Pass High School)

Congratulations to the GPHS Mock Trial Team on their successful season this year. The Grants Pass High School Mock Trial wrapped up its 4.5 month season this past weekend with their competition at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon.  This marks the fourth strai...

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District-wide Battle of the Books
by CC O'Deay (Grants Pass School District 7)

The District Battle of the Books competition was held on Wednesday March 11, 2015 at Parkside Elementary School. All six elementary schools participated, and each student received a certificate. As reported in an earlier article, each school held their own Battle, with teams answering questions abou...

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A Redesigned Scholastic Aptitude Test
by Jonathan Williams (Scroll)

The SAT is undergoing its biggest change in 30 years. The College Board says it is trying to make the test more relevant to high school curriculum.The redesigned SAT will ask students to apply a deep understanding of the few skills and content areas most important for college and career readiness. T...

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School Board Meetings
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

School Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the Boardroom, 725 NE Dean Drive and again on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM. Please call 541-474-5700 for more information.

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Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (Parkside)

The 2014-2015 school year is coming up on the last trimester.  Vision screening is done in Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th and 8th grade.  Students in other grades having signs and symptoms of vision problems may be screened on request.  Symptoms of vision problems could be: blurry vision, haz...

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Notable News
District Battle of the Books Coming to Parkside
by Betsy Morgan and Diana VanDelden (Parkside)

Third, fourth, and fifth grade students from each of Grants Pass District 7’s elementary schools have been reading, practicing, and participating in their school Battle of the Books competitions. Battle of the Books encourages and recognizes students who enjoy reading. It also helps to broaden...

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District Battle of the Books Coming to Parkside
by Betsy Morgan and Diana VanDelden (Parkside)

Third, fourth, and fifth grade students from each of Grants Pass District 7’s elementary schools have been reading, practicing, and participating in their school Battle of the Books competitions. Battle of the Books encourages and recognizes students who enjoy reading. It also helps to broaden...

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Classified Staff Appreciation Week
by John Higgins (Grants Pass School District 7)

March 2-6, 2015 has been designated as Classified Staff Appreciation Week. The members of our classified staff include every bus driver, educational assistant, food service, custodial, maintenance, library tech, secretary, office manager and other support staff. Please take an opportunity this week ...

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Southwest Conference Wrestling Championships
by Kathy Dungey (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School recently hosted the Southwest Conference Wrestling Championships on February 20 and 21, with the top 3 wrestlers in each weight class earning a berth in the State Wrestling Tournament.  Conference teams include Grants Pass, North Medford, Roseburg, Sheldon, South Eugene,...

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Notes from Mr. Musser
by Barbara Daniels (Allen Dale)

A Note From the Principal Despite May being the last full month of the school year, I would have to say it is the busiest.  We will be finishing the year strong, with music programs, field trips, assemblies, and of course our annual RAH BBQ.  Despite all of this fun, there will still be...

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Reading to Kids
by Kellie Smith (Grants Pass School District 7)

What do 15 years, 75 books and over 6000 students have in common?  The answer is Mr. Michael Jenkins reading the Patricia Gallagher Children’s Choice Picture Book Award nominees to Grants Pass elementary students.  Patricia Gallagher is a retired professor of children’s literat...

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Notable News
Lincoln Elementary School Tardy Protocol Update
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

Over the past several days, there has been considerable general and social media attention regarding the Lincoln Elementary School Attendance/Tardy Catch-up Protocol.  Thursday afternoon, Principal Fitzsimmons was able to meet with both parents to discuss their concerns.  The meeting was p...

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by Kitra Moeny and Kate Van Horne (Scroll)

Have you ever “forgotten” to do something? We certainly have.  For example, this Scroll article (sorry layout folks). This brings us to a problem plaguing our world; procrastination.You know it. You’ve met it. You’re probably best friends with it! Whether it is with F...

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Notable News
What Can You Do For College Now?
by Bryanna Moore (Scroll)

As senior year is approaching for the junior class, preparation has become a necessity. It seems as if, every year, more and more seniors are caught off guard by the idea of college, or post high-school plans in general. Hopefully, this article will help lowerclassmen and juniors figure out what exa...

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Out of the Frying Pan
by Julie Kennedy (Grants Pass High School)

DATE:              February 11, 2015 CONTACT:        Julie Kennedy TITLE:              Theatre Arts Teacher TELEPHONE:  ...

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GPHS Sparrow
by Zeke Medley-GPH Leadership (Grants Pass High School)

This year at Grants Pass High School we’ve teamed up with Sparrow Club to help our sparrow Kassandra in her fight against MRSA and premature birth.  So far we’ve completed 1,440 hours of community service as a high school, and we’re still working on more in an effort to achiev...

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Mr. Carr's Class Exceeds in Math
by Tonya Doane (Riverside)

Congratulations to Mr. Carr’s energetic and hardworking 3rd grade class at Riverside Elementary for coming in 1st place in Sumdog’s Southern Oregon Math Challenge! The spirited students of Mr. Carr’s class competed against elementary school classes from around the region in a week-...

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Grants Pass Winterguard
by Brouillette, Jennifer (Grants Pass High School)

Congratulations to the Grants Pass Winterguard for taking first place at their competition January 31st that was held at Liberty High School in Hillsboro, OR!  GP has not had a competitive Winterguard since 2009 and the program and staff are extremely excited to be back.  The team consists...

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Notable News
Budget Committee Vacancy
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

AN INVITATION TO APPLY FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE GRANTS PASS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 The Grants Pass School District No. 7 Board of Education is inviting interested patrons to apply for a vacant position on the District’s Budget Committee.  The Budget Committee consi...

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FBLA to Host Rogue Umpqua Regional Skills Conference
by Kristi Dimmick (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School Future Business Leaders of America in conjunction with Hidden Valley FBLA will host the Rogue Umpqua Regional Skills Conference at Grants Pass High School Saturday February 7, from 8 am to 3 pm. 300 students from 15 schools around the region will come to vie for a spot at the...

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Immunization Exclusion Day
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Immunization Exclusion Day is coming Wednesday, February 18th. If you receive a letter informing you that your child has missing immunizations and you have already obtained those, please bring a copy of the record to the school. Parents seeking immunizations for their children should contact their h...

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Notable News
Letter from the Principal
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Dear Parents,      Happy 2015! Everyone is getting back into the swing of things and I hope everyone is rested and ready for this exciting time of year. We appreciate everything you do for Parkside and your children to make Parkside such a special place for all of us to enjoy....

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Notable News
Students Participate in All-State OMEA Conference
by Nevin Van manen (Grants Pass School District 7)

Thirty of Grants Pass School District’s finest student musicians participated in All-State Honor groups at the Oregon Music Educator Association conference in Eugene on January 15-18. Performance groups included elementary honor choir, as well as band, choir, and orchestra opportunities for...

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Balancing School and a Job: Is It Possible?
by Madalyn Cauble - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

It isn’t very uncommon to find a teenager without a job these days. However, many people are left wondering how working students manage to keep their jobs while still keeping up with their school work. There are many different reasons that teenagers around the U.S. have been getting jobs. G...

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Jann Taylor: Why You Should Get to Know Her
by Bryanna Moore - Scroll (Grants Pass High School)

Upperclassmen tend to be very stressed out, whether that be about current classes or future plans. But a lot of students don’t know there is an entire staff of professionals dedicated to helping them decide how to carry out their plans after high school. That staff of highly qualified and h...

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Notable News
The Mark Was Left
by Molly Torgerson - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

The Grants Pass High School senior football players left their mark on the season, the school, and the community, after playing their way to the quarter-finals of the state championship tournament. The Caveman finished the season with an overall record of 11-1, winning the Southwest Conference ch...

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Illness, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
by Martha Covrig (Grants Pass School District 7)

Flu season is well under way, and it is important that we work together to keep our children healthy. Viruses spread easily among children.  You can help prevent the spread of illness and flu or help your child get better if he/she does get sick by following a few simple steps You and you...

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South's Geo Bee Results
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

Jakob Blacksmith wins the Geography Bee   For the 28th year, the National Geographic Society held the National Geography Bee for students in the fourth through eighth grades in thousands of schools across the United States and in the five U.S. territories, as well as in Department of Defe...

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South Middle School Christmas for Kids
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

The Holiday Spirit is alive at South Middle School!  Santa visited SMS on Wednesday, December 17 for the annual “Christmas for Kids” event.  Over one third of the student body received gifts and holiday goodies.  Gifts included coats, sweaters, much needed clothing items, ...

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Notable News
GPHS Cheerleaders Honored
by Jodi Hood (Grants Pass High School)

GPHS Cheerleaders attended a UCA cheer camp at Great Wolf Lodge in July with cheer teams from high schools all over the North West.  The UCA staff chose girls from each team to try out for “All American”.  GPHS had 5 girls that tried out and 3 girls that made it!!!  There ...

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GPHS Leadership Starts the School Year Off Strong
by Kevin Luther (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School Leadership team got off to quick start this school year. They began the year with a successful Homecoming dance for the GPHS students.  One of the new things Leadership is involved with this year is comfort foods.  GPHS Leadership is collaborating with PTA to provid...

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LEGO Robotics Tournament Results
by Jessica Durrant (Grants Pass School District 7)

This past Saturday, 21 teams from Southern Oregon competed at the Robotics Qualifying Tournament.  North Middle School hosted the event (HUGE thanks to them) and District 7 teams did amazing!  Here are the results: Champions Award (1st place in the entire tournament) – Team &ls...

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Lego Robotics Is For Girls Too
by Kim Joham (Parkside)

Research proves, in the career path of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), boys still out number girls 2-1. In efforts to encourage our girls to explore this career path, Parkside applied for and received an ORTOP (Oregon Robotics Tournament & Outreach Progam) grant. This allowed f...

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Letter from the Principal
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Dear Parents,             With the holidays fast approaching, it that time again for us to take the time to slow down and to remember what we are thankful for and focus on our families. Your teachers and support staff have been working extrem...

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Nurse's Notes
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Communicable diseases have been in the news this year—serious illnesses like Ebola and Enterovirus D68.  The Grants Pass School District has established guidelines for dealing with the unlikely possibility of an Ebola outbreak, however, you would be much more likely to acquire the flu, a ...

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Notable News
PTA News
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Please consider attending the PTA meetings. They are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the school library at 2:30. A prize drawing is held at the conslusion of the meetings and free childcare is provided. We are seeking to fill our PTA Secretary position. If you are interested in learning ...

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Notable News
Volunteer Reminder
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Each year, our volunteers are required to read the Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse Reporting Requirements. You can find this information at Click on Parents, then Parent/Community Resources.  This will take you to the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Requirements and Child Abu...

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Notable News
Weather Message
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

As winter approaches, please remember when you have concerns/questions about a school closure or delayed start, tune to the local radio station KAJO/1270 AM or the local news stations for school closure information. They will have closure information by 6:00 AM. You may also look on the Grants Pass ...

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Notable News
Angel Tree
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

The office is sponsoring an Angel Tree Program again this year. We have placed red and green stars on the tree by the front office with specific gift items on them. These will go to Parkside families who nedd a little helping hand for the holidays. If you would like to help with this project, ple...

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Notable News
Lego Robotics Is For Girls Too
by Kim Joham (Parkside)

Research proves, in the career path of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), boys still out number girls 2-1. In efforts to encourage our girls to explore this career path, Parkside applied for and received an ORTOP (Oregon Robotics Tournament & Outreach Progam) grant. This allowed f...

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Day of Caring
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

Day of Caring Carrying on South’s long running tradition, the students will participate in a “Day of Caring” on Tuesday, November 25th.  Giving back to the school and community with cleanup efforts at Reinhart Volunteer Park, Riverside Park and the school as well as other a...

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Day of Caring
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

Day of Caring Carrying on South’s long running tradition, the students will participate in a “Day of Caring” on Tuesday, November 25th.  Giving back to the school and community with cleanup efforts at Reinhart Volunteer Park, Riverside Park and the school as well as other a...

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South's Holiday Bazaar
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

Save the date! South Middle School will be hosting their Annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9am-3pm.  Proceeds from this event go to help with the success of the Christmas for Kids program at South.  Booths will have hand crafted items, holiday décor, baked...

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Notable News
South's Holiday Bazaar
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

Save the date! South Middle School will be hosting their Annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9am-3pm.  Proceeds from this event go to help with the success of the Christmas for Kids program at South.  Booths will have hand crafted items, holiday décor, baked...

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Notable News
Student Experience: Oregon Crusaders
by Dannelas Simon (Scroll)

Last summer, three Grants Pass High School students, Sierra Sparrow, Bryce Dole and Johnny Thornton, participated in the Oregon Crusaders. The Oregon Crusaders is a major league marching band. “It is like the NFL of Marching bands,” stated Thornton. During their tour, the three stu...

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Block-oid Work Day
by Kate Van Horne (Scroll)

On Thursday October 23rd the honors students and several teachers of Grants Pass High went out into the community and got their hands dirty doing Grunt work. Ordinarily these kids would have been sitting in class reading a book, listening to a lecture, doing some math equation or writing but on the ...

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Meet our Sparrow, Kassie
by Kjersten Williams (Scroll)

On September 24th, 2014, Grants Pass High School adopted Kassie as the school Sparrow. Kassie was born prematurely at 26 weeks and contracted a dangerous antibiotic-resistant staph infection called MRSA, which means the staph infection has become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to trea...

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South Middle School Grows a Garden
by Bethany Osborne-Koch (South Middle School)

The idea of a school garden at South blossomed in the spring of 2014 with the support of teachers and administrators.  After comparing different possible garden sites on the campus we decided to construct a working vegetable, herb and flower garden in the abandoned rose garden in the middle of ...

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GPHS Marching Band Season Wrap-up
by Joel Naegele (Grants Pass High School)

The Grants Pass High School Marching  Band finished its 2014 season on November 1st at Hillsboro Stadium where they took 5th place in at the NWAPA Championships.  Prelim competition started early that morning with 26 bands, 15 of those bands were moved to finals later that afternoon. ...

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Leave a Mark
by Dan Huber-Kantola (Grants Pass School District 7)

No one could argue that the 2014 Caveman Football Team has fulfilled their goal of leaving a lasting mark on the football season, school year and community.  The same can be said for the head coach of the Cavemen, John Musser and the mark he is leaving extends beyond the grid iron.   ...

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by Tonya Doane (Riverside)

Our 8th Annual GPHS Orchestra “Orchapalooza” Event is Saturday,  November 8th at 6:30pm!  The evening will feature appetizers and desserts, a silent auction, special guests The Matt Hill Band, and performances by the GPHS orchestras. This evening’s music will be comprised...

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Notable News
Nurses Notes
by Martha Covrig (Riverside)

It’s that time of year again…when the fevers, coughs, runny noses, sore throats, aching and headaches seem to increase.  Good health habits can help you and your family stay well: 1) Avoid contact with people who are sick 2) Stay home when you are sick 3) Cover your nose and mouth ...

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Parkside Holiday Lunch
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Parkside Holiday Lunch November 19th We would like to invite you and your family to our traditional holiday lunch with your child/children. To make this a successful event, all students MUST eat at their designated lunch times. Please see schedule below: 10:45     Kinder...

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Notable News
Nurse's Notes
by Marth Covrig (Parkside)

It’s that time of year again…when the fevers, coughs, runny noses, sore throats, aching and headaches seem to increase.  Good health habits can help you and your family stay well: 1) Avoid contact with people who are sick, 2) Stay home when you are sick, 3) Cover your nose and mout...

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Notable News
Father Daughter Dance
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Are you a father to a Kindergarten thru a 5th grade student? If so, this opportunity is for you. On Saturday, November 8th from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. there will be a Father Daughter dance held at the Grants Pass High School Commons. Daughters  can come as the beautiful princess that they are. There ...

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Riverside PE Teacher Jordan Werner Changes it Up
by Alicia Timbs (Riverside)

Jordan Werner, PE teacher at Riverside Elementary School, was recently given the BIGGIE Award from the KidZone Community Foundation for promoting physical activity for children in our community.  Riverside’s PE teacher, Jordan Werner, embodies what it means to truly support and promo...

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Birthday Celebration Policy
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Birthdays are a time to celebrate! However, they can often create problems at school. To avoid problems, please read over the rules listed below: Contact the teacher a few days prior to when you wish to have the celebration. Treats need to be store bought. Balloons and flower arrangements ...

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Notable News
Pride of the Northwest Marching Band Competition Wrap-Up
by Dawn Boyd (Grants Pass High School)

Marching bands took over Mel Ingram field on Saturday, October 18 for the 21st annual Pride of the Northwest Marching Band Competition.  This event, hosted by the GPHS Band Boosters, was very successful, thanks to the many parents, students, alumni and community supporters who worked all day to...

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Nurse's Notes
by Barbara Daniels (Allen Dale)

It’s that time of year again…when the fevers, coughs, runny noses, sore throats, aching and headaches seem to increase.  Good health habits can help you and your family stay well: 1) Avoid contact with people who are sick, 2) Stay home when you are sick, 3) Cover your nose and mout...

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GPHS Color Guard Junior Clinic
by Brouillette, Jennifer (South Middle School)

The GPHS Color Guard team will be hosting a Junior Clinic on Saturday, November 15th from 10am-3pm at South Middle School.  All students in Kinder-5th grade are invited to attend.  Cost is $35, add $5 for optional lunch. Clinic includes a t-shirt.  Attendees will learn different style...

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Allen Dale Remind
by Barbara Daniels (Allen Dale)

Check out this great way to stay in touch at Allen Dale!

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Intramural Sports at Grants Pass High School
by Jeff Huston (Grants Pass High School)

For students looking to stay on campus and do something active during lunch time, GP is offering an intramural sports program at no cost to students that offers a variety of sports and games.  The goal of the program is to keep students exercising in a fun and exciting environment and  to ...

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IXL Log in
by Holly Rounsaville (Allen Dale)

Use this link to access IXL Math Practice Web site: Welcome to IXL! IXL is a comprehensive, standards-aligned math and language arts practice program offering unlimited problems in thousands of skills. One of the best things about IXL is that students can access it from school and from home!&n...

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Cavemen Football - Leaving A Mark
by Jenner Yriarte (Grants Pass High School)

It's been 20 years since Caveman Football earned a League Title, and with 2 games left GPHS sits atop the Division with a 7-0 record.  In their way stand the Axeman of South Eugene and the Willamette Wolverines whose combined record is 1-13.  GP's motto this year is to "Leave ...

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Dismissal Notes
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

When your child will be going home in a different manner than usual, please send a note to the office to let the school know. We understand that sometimes emergencies happen. Please call the school office by 1:30 PM to guarantee that your child will get the message and get home safely. We appreciate...

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Notable News
Hairspray Musical
by Julie Kennedy (Grants Pass High School)

WHO:     GPHS Theatre Arts Department WHAT:    HAIRSPRAY It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size Teen Tracy Turnblad has only one desire— to dance on the popular Corny Collins show. When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed fr...

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School and District Report Cards
by Trisha Evens (Grants Pass School District 7)

The Oregon Department of Education annually produces performance report cards for all Oregon public schools and districts. The 1999 state legislature mandated annual report cards as a means for educators to provide parents and the community with clear and direct school and district performance repor...

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Harvest Fest
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

It's Harvest Fest time! The Harvest Fest will be held on Thursday, October 9th from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Fort Vannoy Farm. There will be lots of fun, games and food. Your children have been busy selling raffle tickets. The drawing will be held at 6:00 p.m. during the Harvest Fest. Come enjoy a...

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Picture Retakes
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Did your child miss picture day or would you like to have their pictures redone? Picture retakes will be on Wednesday, October 29th. Reminder flyers will come home the week before. If your child is a Kindergarten student who comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, please feel free to bring them in if you w...

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Notable News
21st Annual Pride of the Northwest Marching Band Competition
by Dawn Boyd (Grants Pass High School)

For the past 21 years, Mel Ingram field has played host to marching bands from across the Northwest.  This year will be no exception, as the Grants Pass High School Band and Auxiliary Boosters prepare for the 2014 Pride of the Northwest marching band competition, taking place on Saturday, Octob...

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The Care and Feeding of your Brain
by Science Teacher (North Middle School)

The care and feeding of your brain: “Kenntnis” is German for “experiential learning.”  “Wissenschaft” is German for “book learning.”  Both have their place in our lives.  After all, you don’t have enough money or time to gain di...

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by Niki Kolb (Riverside)

FIRST LEGO League Robotics (FLL) Kicked off the 2014-15 season at Riverside already this year.  This year’s challenge is called “World Class.”  4th and 5th grade students are studying teaching and learning and trying to come up with innovative solutions to help people lea...

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Parkside Raffle Ticket Money Due
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Raffle tickets and money are due by this Friday, October 3rd. The drawing will be held at our Harvest Fest. Watch for more information about the Harvest Fest coming soon.  

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Lego Robotics Now at Parkside
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Science and technology have collided at Parkside with a new program called Lego Robotics. Some of our 4th and 5th grade students are now participating in Lego Robotics this year. We have two teams, thanks to a grant from ORTOP, Oregon Robotics Tournament & Outreach Program. With the aid of...

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As the Wheel Turns
by Michael McKinney (Grants Pass High School)

Ceramics at GPHS is still alive! More than one person thought we were gone but, au contraire mon frère, that rumor is squished. We’re back in room 302 where many former students will remember having worked through planning and building their pinch, coil, and slab pots for so many years....

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Lego Robotics Now at Parkside
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Science and technology have collided at Parkside with a new program called Lego Robotics. Some of our 4th and 5th grade students are now participating in Lego Robotics this year. We have two teams, thanks to a grant from ORTOP, Oregon Robotics Tournament & Outreach Program. With the aid of...

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Angel Tree
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

The Angel Tree has been a great success. We have been able to help many of our families during the holidays. Parkside will be turning the tree in the front office into an Angel Tree again this year. If you are interested in taking an angel from the tree and purchasing gifts or if you are a Parkside ...

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Back to School Night
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

All of our families are encouraged to come to Back to School Night on Thursday, October 2, 2014 from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This is a good time to meet your child's teacher and hear what is going on in the school and your child's classroom. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Notable News
Teaching Civics through History
by Lois MacMillan (South Middle School)

The ultimate goal of a school is to broaden the horizons of their students, moving them from not just a concern of the self, but to an awareness needs, views and rights of others so that every student can make a difference in the world. Fortunately, the study of American History, there is at the rea...

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Computer Science is Back at GPHS
by Christopher Rossetta (Grants Pass High School)

The revamped computer science program is up and running at Grants Pass High School.  Students have access to a brand new lab and infrastructure in one of the schools largest classrooms.  This year students have the opportunity to take two courses at GPHS.  Introduction to Game Program...

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Cavemen Football Off to a Great Start
by John Musser (Grants Pass High School)

The GPHS Caveman football team has gotten off to its best start since 2008.  At a glance, huge road wins over perennial powers Sherwood and Sheldon and an overall 3-0 record (we also beat Newberg HS at the friendly confines of Ingram Stadium) have helped the boys to a top four ranking in the st...

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Bike Rodeo
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

BIKE RODEO Elementary & Middle School STUDENTS IMPROVE YOUR BIKE SKILLS WHEN: Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:00am - 1:00pm WHERE: Club Northwest Parking Lot 2160 NW Vine Street, Grants Pass    SKILLS TO LEARN  Starting & Stoppi...

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Campus Closet Schedule
by Mary Cardiff (Grants Pass School District 7)

The purpose of Campus Closet is to furnish age-appropriate and proper fitting clothing to all children who come to us needing these services. By caring for the basic needs of our youth and allowing them to dress as their peers, we are encouraging positive self-esteem, academic success and regular cl...

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Pre-Registration for returning Parkside Students
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Will your child be returning to Parkside in September? If so, you may want to mark your calendars for August 13th - August 22nd. This is when you can come and fill out the paperwork that needs done each year and find out who your child's teacher is. Every returning student's family who co...

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Notable News
A Big Change in Meal Prices
by Lisa Fisher (Grants Pass School District 7)

We are pleased to inform you that GRANTS PASS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 will implement a new option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for School Year 2014-2015. What does this mean for you ...

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No Summer Lunch Service Today, July 11
by Lisa Fisher (Grants Pass School District 7)

Due to the uncertainty of the weather today, we are canceling all summer lunch service in the parks. We do not want to put children or staff  in harm’s way. Thank you for understanding. - Nutrition Services

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GPSD7 Still Accepting Interdistrict Transfer Requests
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

The first window for interdistrict transfer applications has been completed and those requests will be finalized and all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their request by the end of July 2014.  There are still slots available in many grade levels and District #7 is still accepti...

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Summer School Information
by (Grants Pass High School)

Summer School Credit Retrieval Classes   Orientation:  July 1 & 2 Time:  7:30am – 11:30 am every hour on the hour.   Please see the information sheet below.  If you miss orientation, contact Mr. Musser or Mr. Hayball by attending one of the open sess...

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Blue Slide Project Update
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Parkside PTA needs your help!! We are looking for volunteers to help build Phase 2 of The Blue Slide Project. Construction will take place every Saturday and Sunday starting June 28th until the first weekend in August from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and water will be provide...

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Serve GP lands at South Middle School
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

Thank you to all Serve GP volunteers from the Church of Latter Day Saints.  They worked hard preparing South Middle School for the next school year!  We have another group coming in Saturday, June 21st so check back for more pictures. Thank you Serve GP & The Church of Jesus Christ ...

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Grades 1-5 Supply Lists
by Barbara Daniels (Allen Dale)

We hope all of our Allen Dale students are enjoying their summer break! Please mark your calendars for the week of August 11th to return your re-registration paperwork that will be mailed out the 1st of August. A reminder that we are having Open Library for Allen Dale students every Thursday at 10-1...

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Summer Lunch Program
by Lisa Fisher (Grants Pass School District 7)

The Grants Pass School District is starting their 4th Annual Summer Meal Program. For some who rely on free and reduced-price school meals, the summer months can be difficult. When school is out, these kids no longer have access to school meals and their families’ budgets are often stretched t...

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Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (Allen Dale)

Summer plans usually include some days in the water, in the sun and having fun.  Don’t forget healthy habits like sunscreen and plenty of water for good hydration.  This will go far towards staying well in the summer.  Seasonal allergies are often still acting up through out the...

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Kinder School Supplies
by Barbara Daniels (Allen Dale)

We are looking forward to all the new small faces of our 2014-15 Kindergarteners! If you have not yet registered, please call the office to set up an appointment . (541) 474-5760. Families will be contacted for an assessment time for the last week of August. Attached is our Kindergarten Supply ...

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Interdistrict Transfer Requests Being Accepted
by Human Resources (Grants Pass School District 7)

Grants Pass School District is now accepting Incoming Interdistrict Transfer requests for the 2014-15 school year. Applications will be accepted June 11th thru June 30th. Please click on the link below to view important information and to access the links to the application forms. Interdistrict T...

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Brain Bowl Team Attends Nationals in Chicago
by Jill McKay (Grants Pass High School)

The Grants Pass High School Brain Bowl Team recently got back from Nationals in Chicago.  There were seven members who traveled with the team including Mason Pratt, Quinnton Branch, Ryder Canepa, Joseph Drevets, CJ Stott, Connor Pratt, and Kyle Morin.  Questions for the competition came fr...

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Redwood Community Family Fair
by Patrice Davidson (Redwood)

On Thursday May 29th Redwood Elementary held it’s fourth annual Redwood Community Family Fair.  This year’s event was a well-attended, over 350 dinners were served and presenters ranging from YMCA’s jump house, Smokey the Bear and the Rogue Steelheaders to Jr. Golf club handed...

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South Student Council
by Heather Ransom (South Middle School)

SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL RECEIVES TOP HONOR FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT South is one of 10 high schools and 7 middle schools receiving recognition as a high achieving leadership program.  The award, sponsored by the Oregon Association of Student Councils (OASC), sets high standard...

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Junior Auxiliary Clinic
by Jennifer Brouillette (South Middle School)

On May 31, 2014 the GPHS Auxiliary team hosted their second “Junior Clinic” of the year.   This was a great event to introduce the activity to younger students.  The clinic provided an opportunity for the GPHS Auxiliary team members to interact with our local community and...

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Running Camp
by Sheryl Lellis (South Middle School)

Let's Have some fun with friends! GP Middle School CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING CAMP   Who:  Incoming students from 5th grade through 8th grade When: August 25th - August 28th Where: South Middle School Time: 8 am to 9:30 am  (parents provide transportation) Cost: $2...

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Last Edition of The Scroll Now Available
by Hayden Sweet (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School's student newspaper, The Scroll, has recently printed its last edition of the year.  This special graduation issue includes a list of valedictorians and salutatorians, messages to and from seniors, pictures from senior prank day, and information about the graduation ...

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Enjoy the Summer Sun
by Martha Covrig (South Middle School)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES Summer plans usually include some days in the water, in the sun and having fun.  Don’t forget healthy habits like sunscreen and plenty of water for good hydration.  This will go far towards staying well in the summer.&nb...

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CASA Honors a South Star
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

CONGRATULATIONS TO KELEIGH SCHURPF She was recently nominated for a child hero award and has been chosen as one of the 2014 honorees.  The Children’s Advocacy Center and CASA program will hold their annual Hearts and Heroes Benefit Dinner and Auction on June 20th at 6:00 pm at the Gran...

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Notable News
Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (Parkside)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES The school year is almost over and summer break will be here soon.  Summer plans usually include some days in the water, in the sun and having fun.  Don’t forget healthy habits like...

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Arches are an important tradition
by Hanah Cronin - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

       The tradition of arches at graduation has been going on at Grants Pass High School for over 40 years.         “Only me and two other staff members have ever been in charge of arches.” explains counselor Enes Craft when a...

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18 German exchange students visit GPHS
by Austen Anderson (Scroll)

      In mid-April, the 18 German exchange students selected arrived in the United States in New York City to visit America. They then flew to San Francisco, and from there finally flew to Medford, where their exchange partners (members of our school’s German classes) ...

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Graduation DVD available
by Haley Wilson (Scroll)

      The graduation video will be a great thing to look back on in future years. The DVD includes shots of our school and activities from the 2013-2014 school year, as well as interviews from graduates and the graduation itself from start to finish.     ...

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Cuppy sets off on adventure
by Kelsey Cole - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

      Theater and English teacher Julia Cuppy has been offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend a prestigious acting program in San Diego, Calif.  In August, she will be leaving to spend the next two years in San Diego earning her doctorate in Musical Theatre....

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Too much summer is bad for students
by Austen Anderson - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

      Although millions of students look forward to the ten-week long break from school every year, in reality, this long of a break has proven to be more detrimental than beneficial.       Not only do students forget a great amount of what they lea...

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Internet safety is worth a valuable conversation
by Logan Brown - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

       In our society today almost everyone wants to be known for something, even if it’s for having the best personality or the coolest hair, and it’s simply a sad truth we all face that some of us will be forgotten in history.  It’s a sadder tru...

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Personalize the education system
by Chesley Lindsey - Guest Writer (Scroll)

      Have you ever sat in a class and wondered what the point of you being in there was? You want to be a book publisher but yet you find yourself sitting in a calculus class. Not because you want to take it, but because it is required. I have been in that situation multipl...

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Take foreign languages as early as possible
by Austen Anderson - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

      For a long time, counselors at GPHS have advised freshman to avoid taking a foreign language for their first year of high school, claiming it to be too difficult.       However, I see this not only as an insult to their intelligence, but also ...

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Golf Swings Through Great Season
by Alissa McNeal - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

The Grants Pass High School Boy’s and Girl’s Golf Team had an outstanding season this year. The boys were very competitive this year with great team performances as well as some great individual performances. They had two tournaments where four boys scored in the 70’s. “A fea...

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Harrah, Brennan take home state titles
by Christian Kujawski - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

      Track and Field had a great year for varsity players. They ranked first in the John Franke, the Medford Rotary Relays, the Crater Classic, the 65th Grants Pass Rotary Invitational, and second in the SouthWest Conference District meet.       He...

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Golf Swings Through Great Season
by Alissa McNeal - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

The Grants Pass High School Boy’s and Girl’s Golf Team had an outstanding season this year. The boys were very competitive this year with great team performances as well as some great individual performances. They had two tournaments where four boys scored in the 70’s. “A fea...

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Letter from the Principal
by Rob Lewis (Parkside)

Dear Parkside Families, This is always a time of mixed emotions for me. Having completed my third year now, I have had the opportunity to build close relationships with the 5th graders, so it is hard to say our good byes. However, I'm extremely excited to welcome our incoming Kindergarten cla...

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Notable News
PTA News
by Kathy Luther (North Middle School)

As the end of another school year approaches, I would like to thank all parents and school staff for making the endeavors of North Middle School PTSA possible.  A special thank you to Elena Borngasser for handling the Treasurer duties, Barb Williams for being Secretary and Stephanie Bennett for...

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Nurse's News
by Martha Covrig (North Middle School)

NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES NURSE’S NOTES The school year is almost over and summer break will be here soon.  Summer plans usually include some days in the water, in the sun and having fun.  Don’t forget healthy habits like sunscreen and plent...

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Notable News
State Track Finals - GPHS
by Jenner Yriarte (Grants Pass High School)

Caveman Track and Field took to Hayward Field in Eugene, OR last weekend and came home with some Hardware. Of note, Drake Brennan set a new school record and won State for the 2nd year in a row with a throw in the Discus of over 185 feet. Not to be outdone, Dustin Harrah won State with a High Jump c...

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TELL Survey Summary Results
by John Higgins (Grants Pass School District 7)

The recent TELL Oregon Public Schools Survey reflected responses from over 19,000 Oregon public school teachers and administrators with 786 schools (62%) meeting or exceeding the minimum response rate threshold. Using individual schools as the unit of analysis, the survey consists of a core set of q...

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Parkside 3rd Graders Give How-To Speeches
by Cindy Shepherd (Parkside)

Every year just before summer break our 3rd graders have to complete a Speech.  The student speeches need to teach the class “How To” complete a task of their own choosing. Within this speech some children chose to make food for their classmates. One girl chose to teach her class...

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Parkside 3rd Graders Give How-To Speeches
by Cindy Shepherd (Parkside)

Every year just before summer break our 3rd graders have to complete a Speech.  The student speeches need to teach the class “How To” complete a task of their own choosing. Within this speech some children chose to make food for their classmates. One girl chose to teach her class...

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Riverside selected for Nationwide Study
by Jordan Werner (Riverside)

Riverside Elementary has been selected to take part in a nation-wide research study through the Rockville Institute. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the Healthy Schools Program when administered through an on-site vs. web-based process. The study will last four years, invol...

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Notable News
55th Annual Boatnik Memorial Day Celebration
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

Since 1959, The Grants Pass Active Club has held Boatnik every Memorial Day weekend along the Rogue River in Grants Pass, Oregon. For more than 50 years families have enjoyed this five day event that supports the children and youth programs of the communities of Southern Oregon. The activities st...

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2014 SouthWest Conference District Track Meet
by Jenner Yriarte (Grants Pass High School)

This past Thursday and Saturday Grants Pass Track and Field hosted the 2014 SouthWest Conference District Meet at Russ Werner Field.  Sheldon, South Eugene, Thurston, Roseburg, Grants Pass, North Medford, South Medford, and Crater make up one of the premiere Track and Field Conferences in the S...

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Students Awarded Rare Opportunities
by Octaviano Sanchez - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

Two GPHS students have recently found themselves with rare opportunities. For freshman Grace Connelly, it is being recently accepted to play viola for the Shakespearean Festival in Ashland this summer. Connelly says she is very excited to have been accepted, considering her competition included c...

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Notable News
Students Awarded Rare Opportunities
by Octaviano Sanchez - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

Two GPHS students have recently found themselves with rare opportunities. For freshman Grace Connelly, it is being recently accepted to play viola for the Shakespearean Festival in Ashland this summer. Connelly says she is very excited to have been accepted, considering her competition included c...

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Notable News
A Look into the History of GPHS - Part 3 of a 3 Part Series - 1949-present
by Haley Wilson - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

After the tragedy that struck Grants Pass in 1948, the students were a bit shaken up, but life went on. In 1961 and 1962 there were more additions and repairs made to the high school. On February 24, 1961, the roof of the two-story main building blew off in a freak storm, and landed on the car of...

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A Look into the History of GPHS - Part 3 of a 3 Part Series - 1949-present
by Haley Wilson - Scroll Reporter (Scroll)

After the tragedy that struck Grants Pass in 1948, the students were a bit shaken up, but life went on. In 1961 and 1962 there were more additions and repairs made to the high school. On February 24, 1961, the roof of the two-story main building blew off in a freak storm, and landed on the car of...

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Summer Fun and a Good Book
by George Personius (Highland)

With summer right around the corner visions of kicking back on the river, eating summer foods, camping or a memorable road trip comes to mind.  How about packing a good book to take along as well?  A number of families have discovered the advantages of keeping the reading and learning goin...

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Honoring Oregon's Fallen Soldiers
by Lois MacMillan (South Middle School)

The Bayard Wilkeson Project Honoring Oregon’s Fallen Soldiers   (left to right: Acacia Ricks, Lauren Lonas, Alyssa Etheridge) With the instituting of an "Extended Learning Time” in the middle of the school day, South Middle School has offered their students the oppo...

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SkillsUSA Students Win Gold at State Competition
by Christopher Rossetta (Grants Pass High School)

Congratulations to the SkillsUSA students for their outstanding performance at this year’s state competition.  Students competed in 6 different events including Welding, Video productions and Digital Cinema Productions.  Grants Pass High School took the gold medal home in both Digita...

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6th Grade Watershed Science Field Trip
by Eva Pieper (South Middle School)

South Middle School Sixth Grade Science Field Trip: Watershed Science In May, South’s sixth grade science students traveled to the Deer Creek Center and spent the day participating in the Siskiyou Field Institute’s Watershed Science program.  This program gives students a hand...

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GP Volunteers Receive State Recognition
by Mary Cardiff (Grants Pass School District 7)

In early April, the Oregon PTA held its annual Leadership Conference in Portland, Oregon. This year’s conference was unique because we launched our brand new Oregon PTA Service Awards. These awards were designed to honor and recognize individuals and groups that support Oregon PTA's vision...

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Notable News
Live Updates for the SouthWest Conference Track and Field Championships
by Robert Lingo (Grants Pass School District 7)

Grants Pass High School will play host to the SouthWest Conference Track and Field Championships Thursday, May 15th and Saturday, May 17th.  Live Results will be posted here during the course of the meet. Athletes from Crater, North Medford, South Medford, Grants Pass, Roseburg, Sheldon, Sou...

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English Language Arts Materials Adoption
by Trisha Evens (Grants Pass School District 7)

In an effort to identify curriculum materials to support teaching the Common Core State Standards, Grants Pass School District English Language Arts teachers in Kindergarten through 12th grade have made formal recommendations to the Grants Pass School Board for their approval.  Materials being ...

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Staff Profile - James Lowe
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

He Makes House Calls James Lowe, Supervisor for the Maintenance Department of Grants Pass School District #7 bleeds GPHS BLUE. Born and raised here in Grants Pass, James attended the old Redwood Elementary School, South Junior High and Graduated from GPHS in 1981. He graduated from OSU with a deg...

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Notable News
GPHS Student Council Receives Top Honor
by (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass is one of 10 high schools and 7 middle schools in the state receiving recognition as a high achieving leadership program. The award, sponsored by the Oregon Association of Student Councils (OASC), sets high standards for student councils and leadership programs, and honors them if they c...

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Leading the Way at Gladiola
by Kelly Marval (Gladiola)

Gladiola Campus of Grants Pass School District #7 has been a very busy campus this 2013-2014 school year.  The greatest growth has been seen with our students and advisors in our Leadership class.  They have taken on numerous projects within our school and out in the community. The Lead...

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After School at Allen Dale
by Jake Musser (Allen Dale)

If you ever walk the campus of Allen Dale after school don’t be surprised if you still see students in classrooms, out at the track, or cleaning up our campus.  Our after school programs at Allen Dale serve over 200 students during a typical week.  After-school programs are often see...

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Teacher Appreciation Week
by Pat Bishop (Grants Pass School District 7)

May 5-9, 2014 has been designated as Teacher Appreciation Week!  Please take an opportunity to thank our teachers for the amazing job they do each and every day for our District.  Also, please take a moment to view the unanimously approved Board Resolution recognizing the talent and dedica...

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Letter from the Principal
by Rob Lewis (Parkside)

Dear Parents, Welcome back to another fun and exciting school year.  We are all rested and ready for the challenging work ahead of us this year. I would like to welcome our two new teachers to Parkside. We hired a 5th grade teacher, Miss Harvey and we hired a new 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Robe...

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Parkside End of Year BBQ Bash
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

This year's annual BBQ Bash night will be on Thursday, May 29th from 5:00 - 7:00. The food will be $2.00 per plate. This will include a hot dog, potato salad, fruit, baked beans, chips, cookie, and a drink. There will be activities such as: bingo, relays, field games, bounce houses, ice cream...

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Notable News
Memorial Day 5K Freedom Run
by Tonya Doane (Riverside)

The GPHS Athletic Booster Club brings back the tradition of a fun run during the Boatnik festivities on Saturday May 24th.   We are seeking runners to ensure the success of the event.  The “Grants Pass 5K Freedom Run” will kick-off the Memorial Day Parade as the participan...

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Bess the Book Bus Comes to Town
by Marci Sarver (Parkside)

Parkside was honored and so very excited to host Bess the Book Bus on April 22nd! Bess the Book Bus started in Florida four weeks ago, and travels all over the United States making stops at schools to share the gift of reading.  Jenn and Dave, the AMAZING Bess the Book Bus crew, read our eag...

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5th Grade Parent Orientation Night
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

All Parents and 5th Grade Students, who will be attending North Middle School next year, are welcome to come to the 5th Grade Parent Orientation Night on Wednesday, May 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at North Middle School. This night is designed to give parents and students information about c...

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Nurse's Notes
by Martha Covrig (North Middle School)

Spring has sprung and seasonal allergies are in full force. An allergy is the body's over reaction to an allergen such as pollen or grass that makes the body itch, have a runny nose, redness, etc.  Allergies tend to run in families, so parents who have allergies are more likely to have kids...

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Notable News
Mock Trial looks to build on success
by Alissa McNeal (Scroll)

Grants Pass High School’s Mock Trial team had a successful season this year. They took 1st place in at the regionals competition at the Jackson County courthouse in Medford, Ore., on March 1st. The team then continued on to the state competition in Portland, Oregon on March 14-15th ,wher...

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Job shadows help students plan for possible future careers
by Lilly Bain (Scroll)

One option for seniors in fulfilling their Career Education requirements, or CRLEs as they are called for short is to do a job shadow. Every senior needs to complete two career-related activities and write a paper about it in order to graduate, and job shadows are one of the best options for it. ...

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April Jokes of the Month
by Brittany Miller (Scroll)

Q: What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?   A: A receding hareline   Q: Why does Peter Cottontail hop down the bunny trail?   A: Because his parents wouldn’t let him borrow the car!   Q: Why is Easter like whipped cream and a cherry? ...

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Oh, What an Album - Music Review
by Lilly Bain (Scroll)

If you haven’t heard of the indie-pop quartet American Authors and their debut EP "Oh, What A Life," then you will soon. The up and coming band released their ubiquitous single "Best Day Of My Life" last summer, and since then they’ve only been growing bigger. F...

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A Look Into the History of GPHS: Part 2 of 3 Part Series, 1948 Football Tragedy
by Hanah Cronin (Scroll)

On the 5th of December, 1948, tragedy struck the city of Grants Pass, although that’s not the way the day started. The Grants Pass Cavemen had just won the 1948 Football State Championships against the Jefferson High School Bulldogs. The next morning, the team left, and there was a surpr...

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Students, staff reflect on needed break
by Hanah Cronin (Scroll)

Students begin the countdown for Spring Break the day they return to school from Christmas Break. Thats 54 school days that students struggle through until they get to go on their long desired vacations. Freshman Paul Strandquist, cruised down to sunny town of Valencia, Cali., to ride the rollerc...

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Hungry? Try one of these local restaurants
by Dannelas Simon (Scroll)

1) The Vine-Family Restaurant, 3 star rating, quiet enviroment, friendly workers, fair prices.   2) Black Bear Diner-Friendly people, fair prices 3 star rating, family dining.   3) Tap Rock-3.7 star rating, friendly workers, higher class, decent prices, great view of Rogue Rive...

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Marching Band Looks Forward to Exciting Trip
by Octaviano Sanchez (Scroll)

The Grants Pass Marching Band and Auxiliary is taking an exciting trip next April, 2015, to Washington, D.C. $1,730 is the base amount of money the students will have to pay in order to cover finances for this trip. There are many fundraisers the students have at their disposal, such as sellin...

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Mardi Gras Dance Enjoyed By All
by Octaviano Sanchez (Scroll)

Mardi Gras was the most recent dance here at Grants Pass High School. It was a night of merriment and celebration. To others it was a night of accomplishment. Congratulations go out to Nik O’Hara and Kallie Romack, as Mardi Gras King and Queen. The night was filled with music and dancing...

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GPHS Choir Looks Forward to Trip
by Amber Fogelquist (Scroll)

Every 4 years, the Grants Pass High School’s Concert Choir goes on a big trip. The choir’s last trip past the West Coast was over 10 years ago, making this trip a big deal for them. This year they are traveling to Nashville, Tenn., to perform at the World Strides Heritage Festival. Th...

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Community Education Forum - May 8, 2014
by Pat Bishop (Grants Pass School District 7)

You are invited to attend a Community Education Forum on May 8, 2014 from 5:00-8:00 PM in the Commons at Grants Pass High School.  Oregon Chief Education Officer, Dr. Nancy Golden, will be on hand while she visits Southern Oregon.  Please click on the following link for more information. ...

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Eating with MyPlate...Be Active Your Way
by Lisa Fisher (Grants Pass School District 7)

  During the month of April GPSD Food Service department  sponsored  an “Eating with MyPlate…Be Active Your Way” contest to promote healthy eating and activity in students at all 6 of the district’s elementary schools. Students in grades Kindergarten throug...

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Summer School Options
by (Grants Pass High School)

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and it is time to start thinking about SUMMER SCHOOL!  There are three categories of Summer School classes available: Essential Skills classes are offered for those who need to meet their essential skills to graduate.  Students will at...

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Trojan Follies Invitation
by Jennifer Thomason (South Middle School)

Trojan Follies South’s Talent Show Set for May 22   South students get their acts together! South Middle School’s annual talent show, Trojan Follies will be Thursday, May 22 at 7:00 pm.   You are invited… Students, families and friends are invited to...

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ELL After School Program
by Jorge Padilla (Lincoln)

Lincoln ELL Students Benefit from After School Program It’s the end of the day, and the dismissal bell rings! Students line up with backpacks in hand, ready to head off to their next “adventure “. However, these students aren’t walking outside to the bus, or to a waiting p...

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Shade Coming to Parkside - Updated
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

When was the last time you were at the Parkside Soccer Field sitting in the hot sun wishing for some relief from the heat? Thanks to Doug Walker, the Grants Pass Rotary Club, Parkside PTA, and Mountain View Landscaping your wishes will soon be a reality. On Saturday, April 19th, six 10 foot Giant...

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GPHS Jazz Fest
by Evan Daggett (Grants Pass High School)

This Friday at 7:00 pm the GPHS Jazz Ensembles and the Band Boosters will be proudly presenting the 3rd Annual Blue Note Jazz Festival. At 5:30 pm the silent auction will begin in the commons with tri-tip sandwiches, beverages, Dutch Bros. coffee, and deserts available for purchase. Our featu...

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A Look Into the History of GPHS - 1948 Football Tragedy - Part 2 of 3
by Hanah Cronin - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

On the 5th of December, 1948, tragedy struck the city of Grants Pass, although that’s not the way the day started. The Grants Pass Cavemen had just won the 1948 Football State Championships against the Jefferson High School Bulldogs. The next morning, the team left, and there was a surpr...

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Mock Trial Looks to Build on Success
by Alissa McNeal (Grants Pass High School)

Grants Pass High School’s Mock Trial team had a successful season this year. They took 1st place in at the regionals competition at the Jackson County courthouse in Medford, Ore., on March 1st. The team then continued on to the state competition in Portland, Oregon on March 14-15th ,wher...

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New Interdistrict Transfer Policies
by Dan Huber-Kantola (Grants Pass School District 7)

Due to recent legislation regarding interdistrict transfers being signed into law this year at the state level, all Oregon school districts will be required to change their transfer policies, beginning with the 2014-15 school year. For most Southern Oregon school districts, these changes will inc...

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National Honor Society
by Enes Craft (Grants Pass High School)

On April 10th, 2014 the Grants Pass High School Chapter of NHS had the pleasure of Inducting 41 students to our chapter. The Induction Ceremony was held in .the PAC by the 2013-14 Officers: Co-Presidents – Alex Davis & Claire Dowd, Co-Vice Presidents – Mason Flores & Olivia Dejan...

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District Spelling Bee Finals
by Amy Cattivera (Grants Pass School District 7)

Congratulations to all of the students who represented their school in this year’s District Spelling Bee! On April 10th, twelve Elementary and twelve Middle School students spelled their way to success during the Grants Pass District Spelling Bee. Billy Lan-Powell of Highland and Shaylee Coope...

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Kindergarten Round-up
by Pat Bishop (Grants Pass School District 7)

All Grants Pass School District #7 Elementary Schools will each be hosting a Kindergarten Round-up on Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Grants Pass School District #7 – 2014/15 Kindergarten Round-up Wednesday, May 14, 2014 6:30 - 7:30 PM Allen Dale, Highland, Lincoln, Parkside, Redwood and ...

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Oregon PTA Honor Local Staff and Volunteer
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

On Friday, April 4th, Denise May and Mona Pinon were presented with awards at the Oregon PTA Conference in Portland. Denise May is an educational aide at Parkside and is best know by many as the crossing guard on Bridge Street. Denise's friendly smile, wave, and ocassional dance every morning...

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Notable News
GP Unified Percussion Ensemble Takes First
by JJ Sutton (Grants Pass High School)

The Grants Pass Unified Percussion Ensemble placed first at the Northwest Association of Performing Arts Winter Championships! This year’s winter percussion ensemble performed in the Standstill Percussion Division in the NWAPA.  Our winter percussion ensemble is comprised of over 20 mu...

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GPHS Brain Bowl Team Set for TV Finals
by Jill McKay (Grants Pass School District 7)

The Grants Pass High School Brain Bowl Team consists of eight students who have excelled academically and continue to impress other Brain Bowl teams and coaches in Southern Oregon.  Team members include Mason Pratt, Quinnton Branch, Ryder Canepa, Joseph Drevets, CJ Stott, Gage Flaming, Connor P...

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Parkside Warming Up To Jog
by Betsy Morgan (Parkside)

Parkside students are gearing up for the PTA's annual Jog-A-Thon later this month. Students will run/walk/jog to help earn money for the PTA. Last year, students brought in more than $8,000.00. That helped to buy iPads for the classrooms, pay for field trips, and help purchase tiles for the B...

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Notable News
Middle School Students Learn About Staying Healthy
by Anne Gross (North Middle School)

My name is Anne Gross, and I will be teaching your sixth grade kids about nutrition and healthy eating habits starting this April in all PE classes. This program will be once a week for 6 sessions and is funded by Oregon State University Extension and SNAP-ED. I work for their office right here in J...

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GPHS Chamber Orchestra Wins League Festival
by Laura Boldon (Grants Pass High School)

The GPHS Chamber Orchestra received all I’s and I+’s at their League Festival in Ashland before spring break.  They automatically qualified to perform on Thursday, May 15th at the OSAA State Orchestra competition, a goal they have achieved every year since the first state contest. T...

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by Susie Graham (Highland)

Bookbound is Highland’s whole school reading event.  For the first three weeks of April every child in the school (and all willing adults) receive a copy of the same chapter book to read and to keep after our kick-off assembly (March 31st).  This book is meant to be read by every fam...

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Notable News
Battle of the Books
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

Congratulations to  “The Book Binders” of Allen Dale Elementary for winning the 3rd Annual District Battle of the Books Competition! This year’s final battle competition was fierce between first place winning team “The Book Binders”, second place winner “The ...

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From the Desk of Mr. Musser
by Jake Musser (Allen Dale)

The months of May and June are very busy, yet fun-filled months at Allen Dale.  We will be finishing the year strong, with music programs, field trips, assemblies, and of course our annual RAH BBQ.  Despite all of this fun, there will still be a lot of learning going on within the halls of...

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GPHS CTE Students Meet the “Extrusionbot”
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

The CTE program here at Grants Pass High School has recently been enriched by the donation of a 3D printer filament “extrusion machine”.  Extrusionbot of Chandler Arizona has generously provided our students with the capability to enhance their knowledge and experience with regard t...

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District 7 Honor Choir Performance Wows GPHS Performing Arts Center Audience
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

The District #7 Honor Choir began in 1998, and continues to be a unique and memorable event for our vocal music students. All six elementary schools, both middle schools, and the high school take part in the Honor Choir event, representing grades 4-12. Through participation in this special event ...

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Grants Pass Wind Ensemble Wins League Festival
by (Grants Pass School District 7)

The Grants Pass Wind Ensemble won their league festival at South Eugene High School this past Friday. The wind ensemble will be performing at Oregon State University on May 16th at the annual OSAA State Band Contest. 20 bands from the 6-A level earn their spot to perform at State by either winning t...

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Archery Team wins Middle School State Championship
by Kathy Robinson (North Middle School)

North Middle School competed in the Middle School State Championship held at the YMCA in Grants Pass on March 15th. The archery team sealed the championship with an outstanding cast: Sydney Bebb, Shaeleigh Cabalzar, Makhala Caldwell, Mirandah Keenan-Kern, Chloe Williams, Dazlyn Riggens, Sean Bull...

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How to Succeed...Brings in Crowds
by Austen Anderson - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

On February 28, the theater department presented its first showing of “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying!” The production proved extraordinarily successful, considering the abundance of compliments that followed as well as a near full-house attendance, and the cast was exc...

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A Look into the History of GPHS
by Haley Wilson - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

Part 1 of a 3-Part Series: 1895-1949 Grants Pass High School has so much history that most students probably don’t know about.       Grants Pass High School has been open for over 100 years. The school opened in 1885 and the first class of four students graduated...

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Mock Trial Team Advances to State
by Lilly Bain - Scroll Reporter (Grants Pass High School)

After many strenuous weeks of practices, the Mock Trial team just completed their annual competition on March 1st.     “The regional competition,” captain Olivia Huber says, “is a competition in which the team will compete against other mock trial teams from Orego...

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