Students with asthma, allergies, heart problems, diabetes, seizures, and other conditions should have a health protocol on file to provide guidelines for their health and safety at school. When you completed the on-line InfoSnap registration you were given the opportunity to print out the protocol(s) to be completed and given to the school office. If you over-looked that please request the appropriate protocol from the school office to complete and return. Also, if you received a protocol at the end of the school year, or during the summer please complete it and return it to the school. If you have a protocol on file that has changed, please request a new protocol from the school office, complete and return it at the beginning of the new school year. Thanks for your help with this, as we attempt to provide for the students’s health and safety at school.
Look for future “NURSE’S NOTES” during the coming school year.
Martha Covrig, RN, BSN, MPH, District Nurse