The end of the year is rapidly approaching and it is time to start thinking about SUMMER SCHOOL! 

There are three categories of Summer School classes available:

  1. Essential Skills classes are offered for those who need to meet their essential skills to graduate.  Students will attend class at GPHS.  See Page 2 in the online brochure

  2. Online classes are being offered for original credit.  There are four choices available.  Most classes require an on-campus orientation before beginning the online classes.   Please note:  The grade level indicated in the brochure is for incoming students.  (Example:  8th grade students going into 9th grade are eligible to take Wellness.)  See Page 3 in the online brochure

  3. Credit retrieval classes to make up for failed classes are NOT in the online brochure.  Please contact your student’s counselor for more details.

    The Registration Form is on page 4.  Registration must be submitted to the GPHS bookkeeper by JUNE 6, 2014.  Fees are due at the time of registration.  Scholarships are available.