Congratulations to all of the students who represented their school in this year’s District Spelling Bee! On April 10th, twelve Elementary and twelve Middle School students spelled their way to success during the Grants Pass District Spelling Bee. Billy Lan-Powell of Highland and Shaylee Cooper of Redwood will represent the district in the Division I competition, while North Middle School students Olivia Munyon and Ben Hart  will represent Division II.  Matthew Parrish and John Cook, winners of the Spelling Bee at Grants Pass High, will represent Division III in the May 10th Regional Competition hosted by SOU.

Great Job to the following students who participated in the 2014 District Spelling Bee. We are GP!

Allendale – John Beckstead and Sonora Reid

Highland – Billy Lan-Powell and Jeremiah Perko

Lincoln – Raylynn Carr and Xavier Hanes

Parkside – Braeden Audell and Caden Morgan

Redwood – McKenna Trujillo and Shaylee Cooper

Riverside – Alex Segura and Kaylie Daft

North Middle – Olivia Munyon, Ben Hart, Iris Walker-Tjepkes, Jamie Stevens, Jeremiah Lute and Joshua Lee

South Middle – Andrew Medley, Audrey Manning, Cayden Butler, Destini Clements, Leanna Gamon and Mark Smolinski.