School Doors Open at 8:15am...

Parents & students, just a reminder that school doors open officially at 8:15am, so if students are arriving before 8:15am, there is not any supervision. Cafeteria doors open at 7:50am for breakfast. Thank you!

Bus Notes

Please send notes for your student riding a different bus home than normal.  Bus drivers must have notes from parents or guardians in order for a student to ride a different bus.  The student must then bring the notes to the office.

Medication At School

When your child must take prescription and/or non-prescription medicine at school, please follow these steps:

  1. The parent/guardian MUST  bring the medicine, in person, to the office. It may not be sent with the child. Additionally, the parent/guardian must pick up the container when the child has completed the course of medication.
  2. The medicine must be in its original container.
  3. The parent/guardian must fill out the appropriate form with instructions/permission for the school to administer the medication.
  4. The parent/guardian must inform the school, in writing, of any changes in medication instructions.

Free Lunch & Breakfast

Cafeteria doors open at 7:50am on regular start days, 8:50am on Wednesdays for breakfast.  Breakfast and Lunch are always free to all students!

Contact Information

Please write notes or visit the office in order to change contact information (phone numbers, addresses, email addresses).  Unfortunately, we are not able to make these changes over the phone.