North Middle School competed in the Middle School State Championship held at the YMCA in Grants Pass on March 15th. The archery team sealed the championship with an outstanding cast:

Sydney Bebb, Shaeleigh Cabalzar, Makhala Caldwell, Mirandah Keenan-Kern, Chloe Williams, Dazlyn Riggens, Sean Bullock, Clayton Burke, Jackson Burks, Ethan Booker, Logan Chartrand, Logan D'Amato, Christian Hornby, Nathan Krueger, Brian Ogas, Bradley Romero, Tyler Stock, Elijah Tierce and Jeraki Ray.

Makhala Caldwell, Clayton Burke and Syndey Bebb  were the top shooters at the competition and will move on the  National Finals in Kentucky in May. Any Person or Business that would like to help fund these students and their coach(Ms. Ferguson) on their adventure please contact the North Middle School Office for more details.

Congratulations to an awesome victory, and a big Thank You to Mr. Vohland and Ms. Ferguson.