Dear Parkside Families,

This is always a time of mixed emotions for me. Having completed my third year now, I have had the opportunity to build close relationships with the 5th graders, so it is hard to say our good byes. However, I'm extremely excited to welcome our incoming Kindergarten class. Parkside is such a wonderful place for your children with an amazing staff and spectacular students!

I want to thank you for your continued support for us and your student's education throughout the year. With this in mind, it is imperative that you continue to provide learning opportunities throughtout the summer. To help you with this, your child's teacher will be sending home a summer packet with many activities to keep their brains working through the summer months.

Make sure you take time to do that special activitity together as a family during the vacation and relish your time together.

Have a happy, fun, and safe summer!

See you in September,

Rob Lewis