Theater and English teacher Julia Cuppy has been offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend a prestigious acting program in San Diego, Calif.  In August, she will be leaving to spend the next two years in San Diego earning her doctorate in Musical Theatre.   
      As scared as she may be, she believes that Grants Pass High School is going to find someone really great to fill her position.
      Cuppy says, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world. I want to see all of my students realizing their full potential and really taking a risk. Sometimes you have to do that. I would be a complete hypocrite if I didn’t allow myself that same advice. To follow my dream in a sense because musical theatre is a dream of mine; to perform and specialize in.”
      “GP is a very special place and I’m going to miss it a lot,” Cuppy says.  Senior Brooke Eldridge stated, “Julia does a wonderful job of being inclusive and making every student feel important.” Eldridge believes Cuppy “has earned a dream opportunity and deserves a new adventure.”
      Junior Braden Fastidio said, “I’m extraordinarily sad to see her [Cuppy] go! She brought a depth to the art of theatre that I had never experienced before. A level that I wasn’t even aware was missing from my technical theatre training.”
      Although it may be “bittersweet” as Cuppy explained; Brooke Eldridge said it best, “we wish her ‘happy trails until we meet again.’” Enjoy your new adventure.