Students with asthma, allergies, heart problems, diabetes, seizures, and other conditions should have a health protocol on file to provide guidelines for their health and safety at school. If your child has one or more of the above conditions, but does not have a protocol, please ask office staff for the appropriate protocol form, complete it and return it to the school. If your child already has a protocol on file at school and there are no changes, you will just need to complete the “returning student” statement on the Emergency Contact and Health Information form (with your registration papers) to continue use of that protocol. If there are changes in your child’s protocol on file at school, please obtain and complete a new protocol for the school. Thanks for your help with this, as we attempt to provide for the student’s health and safety at school.
Look for future “NURSE’S NOTES” during the coming school year.
Martha Covrig, RN, BSN, MPH, District Nurse