The revamped computer science program is up and running at Grants Pass High School.  Students have access to a brand new lab and infrastructure in one of the schools largest classrooms.  This year students have the opportunity to take two courses at GPHS.  Introduction to Game Programming using free online software called Game Maker.  This course is articulated through Lane Community College where students have the opportunity to earn 4 college credits.  Students learn problem solving and critical thinking skills while exploring the basic constructs of programming.  It is a fun and exciting way for students to explore programming without the scary syntax.

The other course being offered is Introduction to App Inventor using MIT’s app inventing web based program originally developed by Google for Android.  Students are exploring programming constructs, developing their problem solving and critical thinking skills all while building apps that they can use on a tablet or phone.  The course will continue to grow and improve and eventually hopes to offer exposure to Apple’s iOS platform.  

In the future, we hope to offer more advanced programming exposing students to programming languages such as Python, C++ and Java.  We are also looking into curriculum such as Exploring Computer Science (© Computer Science Equity Alliance, 2011) where curriculum units cover Web Design, Computing and Data Analysis, Robotics, Human Computer Interaction and other Computer Science concepts.  The goal of the computer science program is to expose students to technology and help encourage a love of technology and computer science in general ultimately opening student’s eyes to the possibilities of careers in computer science and technology.