DATE:              February 11, 2015

CONTACT:        Julie Kennedy

TITLE:              Theatre Arts Teacher

TELEPHONE:     474-5710, ext. 263 - GPHS


WHO:            GPHS Theatre Arts Department

WHAT:           OUT OF THE FRYING PAN by Francis Swann

Three young men and three young women share an apartment in all innocence; they are would be stage folk and they are doing this for economic security. Their apartment is immediately above that of a Broadway producer who is about to cast a road company. They rehearse the play but how can they get him upstairs to see it? (Samuel French)

WHEN:          Friday & Saturday, March 6, 7, 13, 14 @ 7:00pm

                    Matinee: Saturday, March 14 @ 2:00pm

WHERE:        GPHS Performing Arts Center

COST:  $10.00 adults, students & seniors (65 +) $7.00

Tickets are available two weeks prior to opening at Service Drug, Oregon Books, the GPHS bookkeeper, or on performance nights, at the door.  Reserved seating for sponsors only.

OTHER:          Doors open one half hour before curtain.