The Grants Pass School District is starting their 4th Annual Summer Meal Program. For some who rely on free and reduced-price school meals, the summer months can be difficult. When school is out, these kids no longer have access to school meals and their families’ budgets are often stretched to the breaking point. District 7 fed 18,000 hungry children last summer and intends to reach out to even more children this year. Lunch is provided at 8 local sites as well as Family Solutions.  The program runs from June 17th through August 22nd, Monday-Friday with no service July 3rd and 4th. Free meals that meet Federal nutrition guidelines are provided to all children ages 18 and under with no questions asked. Our summer lunch motto: “Take a bite out of child hunger, give your belly a healthy punch and eat with the lunch bunch”.

Locations: Gilbert Creek, Westholm Park, Morrison Park, and Allen Dale

Service Time - 11:00-11:30

Skate Park, Reinhart Park, Lawn Ridge Park, and Redwood Park

Service Time - 11:45-12:15