Have you ever sat in a class and wondered what the point of you being in there was? You want to be a book publisher but yet you find yourself sitting in a calculus class. Not because you want to take it, but because it is required. I have been in that situation multiple times and I feel like I am completely wasting my time. Knowing that I will never be using this material again in my future career path makes me extremely frustrated.
School needs to become more personalized to the students needs. If they are wanting to go into the literacy field, during their schooling they should be taking more English-based classes than math. The same goes for people that are more math, science or social studies interested.
When writing up an editorial essay for the next issue of the magazine I bet the journalist behind the piece isn’t thinking about how to add up logarithmic equations. A mathematician doesn’t think about the conjugation of verbs when giving a lecture. Why waste precious time on a subject you will most likely not use again when you could be using your time to become a qualified person in the field you are interested in.
I can see how they would want us to take a basic classes for all core subjects, but I don’t think we need to be required to take as many in depth classes. They can lead to high stress if you do not understand them. Why take an extremely hard chemistry class when you could be taking a challenging but still fun English class that you want to take.
No one wants to do something they’re not interested in so why do it? Why do we keep shoving textbooks, problems and exams down students throats when we could be helping them to succeed in the long run. No one is an expert at everything so why do we expect them to be?
You can’t test a fish, a monkey, an elephant and a cat all on how well they can climb a tree. Some of them just can’t do it. That’s how they are wired and built. Same goes for schooling. You can’t test a math kid on a Shakespeare novel because he simply isn’t wired that way.
The way we are graded on in this day an age is not fair and definitely does not help students in any way. That’s why I am completely all in favor of the personalization of schooling for students.
This is a problem I think a good amount of the country can relate to. Except for the few preparatory schools that actually know what they’re doing and have already begun to start this movement. I believe this notion needs to be spread across the country. Beginning as soon as possible.