Dear Parents,

            With the holidays fast approaching, it that time again for us to take the time to slow down and to remember what we are thankful for and focus on our families. Your teachers and support staff have been working extremely hard as always to ensure your students get the very best education they can and we want to remind you of the importance of getting your child to school each and every day on time. All of us at Parkside make the most of each and every minute of the day so thanks for your help.

            I would like to send out a big thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Book Fair! We have again had our biggest sales total to date. Remember, this program helps our school purchase new books for our library so your childen have the best selection available. 

            It’s time again for our 4th annual “Angel Tree” Christmas gift program. Anyone interested in purchasing gifts for children in need please stop by the office to take a star off of the tree. Each star has a specific gift idea generated from a child’s wish list. Please bring wrapped gift items back to the office with the star attached by December 12th. For more information contact Betsy in the office.




Mr. Lewis