Two GPHS students have recently found themselves with rare opportunities.

For freshman Grace Connelly, it is being recently accepted to play viola for the Shakespearean Festival in Ashland this summer. Connelly says she is very excited to have been accepted, considering her competition included collegiate performers. Connelly has been playing the viola for six years, and has also played the piano for a year now.

English teacher Teresa Connelly shares her daughter’s excitement over the unique chance to play with accomplished musicians.

"I feel excited and supportive and proud and overwhelmed, " said Connelly. "Quite a mix isn’t it? I have attended plays at Shakespeare Festival for the past 25 years; it is almost surreal to imagine my daughter on the stage."

Rehearsals for the festival are already underway, and performances are scheduled throughout June and October. For more about Connelly’s performances and other plays go to

Another GPHS student experiencing success is sophomore Josh Dimmick. Dimmick has recently been elected as FBLA Vice President of the State Office. His role will include organizing events and public speaking.

When asked how he felt about his accomplishment, Dimmick responded, "I feel nervous, because i’m gonna have to talk in front of around 2,000 people."

Dimmick is the first GPHS student to attain this special title in 47 years. The last to represent GPHS as the Vice President was Bob Gass, and that was in 1954.

Dimmick will be heading to Nashville, Tenn., on June 27 for a speaking engagement.