The District Battle of the Books competition was held on Wednesday March 11, 2015 at Parkside Elementary School. All six elementary schools participated, and each student received a certificate. As reported in an earlier article, each school held their own Battle, with teams answering questions about the ten selected books. Each school then sent their top two teams to the District Battle. After three rounds of questions, the scores were tabulated and the top scoring three teams were chosen.

After refreshments, a final Battle was staged in the Parkside gymnasium. The top teams were the Duck Readers from Allen Dale Elementary, and two teams from Highland: the Pink Fluffy Unicorns (complete with tutus!) and the Racing Readers Read. At the Battle’s end, the Pink Fluffy Unicorns emerged victorious! Duck Readers placed second and Racing Readers Read placed third.

With this year’s selection of books ranging from biography to historical fiction, from westerns to science fiction thrillers, the true winners of this annual experience are the hundreds of students across the District who challenged themselves to read some awesomely rewarding books! Go readers!