In mid-April, the 18 German exchange students selected arrived in the United States in New York City to visit America. They then flew to San Francisco, and from there finally flew to Medford, where their exchange partners (members of our school’s German classes) picked them up and returned to Grants Pass, on the 27th of April.
On the night of their arrival, a welcoming party was held to allow the German and American students to get to know each other. Afterward, they returned to the homes of their partners and readied themselves for the coming weeks.
They stayed in Grants Pass for a total of 2 weeks and 3 days, during which time they followed their partners to all of their classes, participating as in the classes as best as they could, and were given the opportunity to see many of the signature locations of Southern Oregon, including the Oregon Caves and Table Rock.
Before returning to Germany, the German students gave several presentations to the students of our school’s foreign language classes. They discussed the cultural, architectural, culinary, social, and ideological differences between America and their homeland, and helped expand the our students perspective of other countries.
Overall, the experience of both our school’s students and the German students was both fun and entertaining, as well as educational. And the students of the school’s German classes are now extraordinarily excited for when they go to Germany next summer to visit their exchange partners.