Congratulations to the GPHS Mock Trial Team on their successful season this year.

The Grants Pass High School Mock Trial wrapped up its 4.5 month season this past weekend with their competition at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon.  This marks the fourth straight year that our team has gone to the state competition.  On February 28th, our students took 2nd place at the regional competition at the Jackson County Courthouse in Medford. 

Mock Trial is an extracurricular activity at the high school in which students take on the roles of attorneys and witnesses and simulate a court case. There are currently 27 students in grades 9-12 that competed this year.  For the first time, our Mock Trial was divided into 3 teams to compete with an all freshmen team that performed admirably against their competition.  Our B team made up of sophomores and juniors scored the second highest points at the regional competition while our A team composed mostly of juniors with 2 seniors had the highest point total in the region.

Our Mock Trial team would not happen if it was not for local attorneys volunteering their time two nights a week from the start of November through mid-March.  A special Thank you goes to Mark Lansing, Attorney at Law for his dedication to the team these past 10 years.  We could not have pulled off the three teams without his organization, influence and dedication to our students.  Under his tutelage, our students have performed outstanding in regionals and earned a place at the state competition four straight years.  In addition to his dedication, Lore Rutz-Burri, Victory Walker, Rachele Selvig and Erin Biencourt all dedicated countless hours helping our teams with Mrs. Rutz-Burri and Mrs. Walker being there every practice to coach a team.   Thank you to all of our attorneys for their dedication to our students and supporting their experience in learning the law and courtroom conduct.