The Grants Pass High School Brain Bowl Team recently got back from Nationals in Chicago.  There were seven members who traveled with the team including Mason Pratt, Quinnton Branch, Ryder Canepa, Joseph Drevets, CJ Stott, Connor Pratt, and Kyle Morin.  Questions for the competition came from all subject areas and students were expected to quickly know the answer and buzz in first to receive the points.  There were teams from all over the United States in Chicago to compete against each other. 

Once a question is read teams have five seconds to answer the question before the next question is read.  Each half is nine minutes with no stopping in between questions.  The monitors in each of the rooms read the questions extremely quick and the students had to pay attention to all of the details in the question in order to get the correct answer.  The students represented not only Grants Pass High School well but were one of only two teams from Oregon.  They received compliments for their sportsmanship as well as their attire.

These students are highly motivated and have represented Grants Pass and continue to work hard to continue their success.