Dear Parents,

Welcome back to another fun and exciting school year.  We are all rested and ready for the challenging work ahead of us this year. I would like to welcome our two new teachers to Parkside. We hired a 5th grade teacher, Miss Harvey and we hired a new 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Robertson. Miss Harvey is a recent graduate of SOU, and was born and raised in Grants Pass. Mrs. Robertson received her Master’s Degree from Weber State University in Utah. She moved to Grants Pass from Utah in June this year. Both teachers are excited and ready to go. We are extremely fortunate to have both of them as part of our team! Please make sure you take time to introduce yourself when you get the chance.

Another exciting addition to Parkside this summer was the completion of phase II of the Blue Slide Project. I want to thank all of the families and individuals who helped make this dream a reality in such a short time. Phase II includes covering the rest of the existing playground with the rubber mats and adding some new and interesting play structures. I would like to encourage everyone to go out and see the new playground; it is truly a wonderful thing for our school and community to be proud of! 

As always, I encourage you to volunteer as much as your schedule allows for and I always enjoy talking with you whenever you have questions of concerns with your child. I’m looking forward to another great year and love being a part of the Parkside family!


Rob Lewis