It isn’t very uncommon to find a teenager without a job these days. However, many people are left wondering how working students manage to keep their jobs while still keeping up with their school work.

There are many different reasons that teenagers around the U.S. have been getting jobs. GPHS Junior Amanda Solar said she wanted a job, “to be more independent. And so that I could spend it [money] to go shopping and... on gas.”

Many teenagers also like to save money from their jobs for their future. GPHS Junior Victoria Hermes said, “I would like a job so that I could save up for college.”

Even though there are a lot of benefits to having a job, there are also quite a few drawbacks. It can be hard for many students to plan their jobs around their schoolwork and extracurriculars. Solar is busy taking honors classes, and she participates in soccer and tennis.

“I was going to say, ‘I’m going to wing it,’” joked Solar when asked how she planned to balance school and her job, “[but] I guess a more professional answer would be that I would do homework when I get off work and then plan my schedule around my sports.”

Even though many students feel prepared to balance a job and school, many still find themselves overwhelmed when forced to face both work and school together.

“Summer is the best time to get a job, to me anyway,” said Hermes, “[but] if I do get a job during school, I’ll take late shifts. Get my school work done and then do my job.”

One important decision that all working teenagers are forced to make is what takes priority, school or a job?

“School,” Solar stated. “Jobs in high school aren’t going to lead to bigger and better things, getting good grades and going to college is. No one wants to live with a minimum wage high school job for the rest of their life.”

“I think knowing your priorities is important, so that you aren’t focusing too much on the wrong thing,” Hermes said. “Managing time is a key part to balancing school and a job, as well.”

Having a job is a necessary factor in the lives of many high school students around America. It can help teach kids more about responsibility and being independent, which can be very helpful things to know while entering adult life.

Although, jobs can be difficult to deal with during the school year. Despite this, if students are dedicated and willing to put in the work, they can be successful in both their job and in school.