On April 10th, 2014 the Grants Pass High School Chapter of NHS had the pleasure of Inducting 41 students to our chapter. The Induction Ceremony was held in .the PAC by the 2013-14 Officers: Co-Presidents – Alex Davis & Claire Dowd, Co-Vice Presidents – Mason Flores & Olivia Dejanvier, NJHS Vice-President-Shelby Derocher, Co-Secretaries- Emma Bain & Olivia Huber, Treasurer – Mason Pratt, and Public Relations – Ben Musser. The guest speaker was Mrs. Jennifer Rood, GPHS social Studies Instructor. At the end of the ceremony the officers for the 2014-15 school year were introduced along with the new advisor. The new advisor is Mrs. Pam McNulty (Social Studies instructor) and the new officers are : President – Natalie LeMoss, Vice President – Camille Ward, Secretary – Gabi Smith, Treasurer – Tabitha Taylor, and Public Relations- Connor McGlothlin.

The National Honor Society, or NHS, is a nationwide organization in the United States and consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The Grants Pass Chapter of the National Honor Society is a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The object of the Grants Pass Chapter is to create and enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and encourage the development of character in pupils.

The new inductees are: 

Beaumont, Kristine

Main, Alyssa

Beck, Madison

Marzi, Cameron

Bellum Dalenna

Moore, Bryanna

Bents, Easton

Morgan, Shelby

Bransfield, Colin

Musser, Jeret

Brouhard, Cole

Nicholson, Emily

Cauble, Madalyn

Olin, Allison

Cardiel, Tyler

Olinski, Tarisa

Connors, Sean

Orellana Castro, Ada Carolina

Covrig, Stephen

Pratt, Connor

Delicino, Michaela

Reynolds, Abigail

Fish, Danalee

Rich, Julianna

Gritsiouk, Anita

Rounsaville, Madison

Hanley, John

Shrestha, Reeya

Hayes, Alyssa

Sifton, Trevor

Hayes, Thomas

Solar, Amanda

Hobbs, Danielle

Van Horne, Catherine

Holtzapfel, Alec

Walker, Madelyn

Hunt, Ethan

Williams, Jonathan

Kuzmin, Daniil

Wilson, Haley

Maciel, Corbin