Marching bands took over Mel Ingram field on Saturday, October 18 for the 21st annual Pride of the Northwest Marching Band Competition.  This event, hosted by the GPHS Band Boosters, was very successful, thanks to the many parents, students, alumni and community supporters who worked all day to make this competition possible.  Winners included North Salem High School taking first place in the finals round, Roseburg High School taking high music and second place in the finals, and North Salem and Roseburg tying for high visual.

There were over 900 students participating in the day’s events, and over 2000 spectators.  A special thank you to the North and South combined 7th-8th grade bands for performing the National Anthem.  The day, which began at 6:00 am for its volunteers, and ended at 11:30 pm, was reflective of the Grants Pass band’s hospitality for all who attended the event.

The boosters are looking forward to PNW 2015, to return to Mel Ingram field in October of 2015, and wish to thank all of their sponsors and volunteers!