Due to recent legislation regarding interdistrict transfers being signed into law this year at the state level, all Oregon school districts will be required to change their transfer policies, beginning with the 2014-15 school year.

For most Southern Oregon school districts, these changes will include caps on the number of incoming transfers approved as well as a lottery, if requests exceed slots available.

For District 7, the first step in this new process applies only to students currently on an interdistrict transfer.  New laws do provide districts to allow for a one-time grandfathering of students who are currently on an interdistrict transfer for the 2013-14 school year and wish to remain in the receiving district. Grants Pass School District No. 7 is working with Three Rivers School District and Rogue River District 35 to offer grandfathered status to current transfer students.  

The process this year will be different for you than it has been in the past because your student has a current transfer.  A letter and new form will be sent to families of students currently on an interdistrict transfer on April 16, 2014.  You MUST fill out the revised form(s) and return to Grants Pass School District office no later than May 16, 2014 in order to request grandfathered status for your student’s continuation at Grants Pass School District No. 7. Requests may be denied if a student did not meet minimal attendance and behavior standards in the 2013-14 school year. Failure to submit the form by the deadline will likely result in your student going into the lottery process and placement will not be guaranteed.

Once the transfer process is completed for the 2014-15 school year, you will not have to request a transfer on a yearly basis. The transfer will remain in place until your student is withdrawn to another district, or until graduation. Districts will retain the right to revoke transfer status for attendance and behavior issues.

For students not currently on an interdistrict transfer for the 13-14 school year, the process to request an interdistrict transfer will not begin until after June 10, 2014.

For documents related to this process click HERE