Congratulations to the SkillsUSA students for their outstanding performance at this year’s state competition.  Students competed in 6 different events including Welding, Video productions and Digital Cinema Productions.  Grants Pass High School took the gold medal home in both Digital Cinema Production and Video Productions.  This is the 4th straight year they have won the gold in the Video competitions.  Mr. Rossetta, the advisor for SkillsUSA and the Video Productions Teacher at GPHS said,  “The students did an outstanding job again this year.  Michael Jaroslow repeated as a Gold medal winner in Video Productions and the team of Ryan Leard and Cameron Marzi won the Digital Cinema Productions.  Ryan Leard has won two Gold medals and one bronze the three years he has competed.”  Ryan and Cameron will be competing in the National Skills Leadership Contest in Kansas City this coming June.  Good luck at Nationals to our SkillsUSA students.