Dear Parents,

     Happy 2015! Everyone is getting back into the swing of things and I hope everyone is rested and ready for this exciting time of year. We appreciate everything you do for Parkside and your children to make Parkside such a special place for all of us to enjoy. Your teachers are working extremely hard with your students and we want to remind you of the importance of getting your child to school each and every day on time. All of us at Parkside make the most of each and every minute of the day so thanks for your help.

     We are expecting over 400 people to attend our upcoming Reading Parent night!  I would like to give a BIG thanks to the Parent Involvement Committee and to all the Parkside staff who are working so hard to put such a magnificent night together for all of us to enjoy!

     We have started our second session of Read At Home (RAH) so please make sure you continue to read with your students every night. Also important, please make sure to sign and send back those slips ensuring your student gets credit for all the reading they do.

     We are half way through the year and I want to thank all of you who have spent countless hours at the school volunteering and working with your students ensuring their success. I’m very thankful for all of you.


Rob Lewis