Grants Pass School District No. 7 holds all information about students as being confidential except for “Directory Information.” This includes student/parent’s legal name, address, telephone listing, electronic address, date and place of birth, photograph, participation in officially recognized activities, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, dates entered and graduated from Grants Pass School District schools, degrees or awards received, and most recent previous school or program attended. Directory information considered by the district to be detrimental will not be released. Requests for directory information to be used for commercial solicitations will be considered detrimental and denied. Except for parent class list or school support group (PTA, Booster Club etc.) group contact list requests, group or comprehensive directory information requests for contact information for all students in the District, a school or a grade level will be limited to students’ mailing addresses only. At no point will a student’s social security number or student identification number be considered directory information.
Directory information will be released upon request to the news media and can be used for student directories, District web pages, sports programs, or activity programs unless otherwise requested by the parents. By law, the district must release secondary students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher education, unless parents or eligible students request the district withhold this information. Objections to releasing part or all of the Grants Pass School District directory information must be in writing and directed to the principal of the student’s school within 15 days of annual public notice.
The school records of your child are open to you. These records may be seen by making an appointment with your child’s teacher or other staff members qualified to explain them. Records of student attendance, learning progress, and grades will be transferred to the new school if you should move.
Our elementary schools receive federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. You have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher. If you request this information, our school will provide you with the following as soon as possible:
- if the teacher has met our state licensing requirements for the grade level and subjects in which the teacher is providing instruction;
- if the teacher is teaching under an emergency status for which state licensing requirements have been waived;
- the type of college degree major of the teacher and the field of discipline for any grade degree or certificate; and
- if your child is receiving Title I services from paraprofessionals and if so, his/her qualifications.
Public law 108-446, also known as the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, requires school districts to use an ongoing system to locate, identify, and evaluate all children from birth to 21 years suspected of being eligible for special education services. Grants Pass School District No. 7 requests public assistance in identifying any developmentally disabled child who is not enrolled or currently receiving special education services. Further information is available through the Oregon Department of Education including and/or reviewing established Procedural Safeguards by at the following web address: If you know of a student needing services, please contact the District No. 7 Special Education Office at 474-5706.
In compliance with state and federal law, the Grants Pass School District will provide to each protected student with a disability without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In order to qualify as a protected student with a disability, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability that substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program. These services and protections for “protected students who are disabled” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs. For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected disabled students, contact Todd Bloomquist, Director of Special Services, at 725 NE Dean Drive, Grants Pass, OR 97526 or by telephone at (541) 474-5706.
Grants Pass School District No. 7 actively searches for those students who are intellectually gifted or academically talented in reading and/or math. As stated by law (OR 581-022-1310(1)) to qualify, students must have supporting behavioral, learning, and/or performance information. Additionally, they must score in the 97th percentile on nationally standardized tests of intellectual ability or academic achievement in reading or math. Nominations are accepted from parents, students, or teachers. For more information, please contact your building principal.
If you know of a student who speaks English as a second language, please contact the District No. 7 EL Department at 474-5710, ext. 122. These students may be eligible for ESL services.
Si usted conoce a un estudiante que hable ingles como Segundo idioma, favor de llamar al Departamento de Ingles Como Segundo Idioma a 474-5710, ext 122. Es possible que el estudiante puede reciber servicios del Departamento de Ingles Como Segundo Lengua.
All prescription medications need to be brought to the school office by a parent/guardian and a permission form will need to be completed. We will not be able to give any student medication without this signed form. All medications must be in the original prescription bottle. District No. 7 and the State of Oregon discourage parents from asking the schools to dispense non-prescription medication and appreciate your support for this position.
If it is necessary to administer over the counter medication to students at school, the same requirements for prescription medication apply.
Grants Pass School District No. 7 seeks to identify students who are homeless. Homeless individuals are those who, due to a lack of permanent housing, live in inadequate or temporary settings, such as;
- Emergency or transitional shelters
- Motels, hotels, campgrounds
- Cars, parks or abandoned buildings
- Doubling up with relatives or friends.
If you know of a student who is homeless and in need of services, please contact the District Family Advocate at 541-218-6508 or the District Homeless Liaison at 474-5706.
Citizens who voluntarily contribute their time and talents to the improvement and enrichment of the public schools’ instructional and other programs are valuable assets. The Board encourages constructive participation of groups and individuals in the school to perform appropriate tasks during and after school hours under the direction and supervision of professional personnel. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please see your front office staff for application and information.
Volunteers returning to the service of our district are required to participate in annual training regarding confidentiality, child abuse, and sexual misconduct reporting. Training information is located on the district website under parent/community resources.
The purpose of this “Curriculum Council” is to provide an opportunity for members of our school community to collaborate, where appropriate, in solving problems, defining goals and shaping the direction of the district. Parents have been selected to represent each school in the district and serve as voting members. The meeting is an open meeting and parents are invited to attend. Please call 474-5709 for more information. Meetings are on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Boardroom at 725 NE Dean Drive.
Meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. and on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. in the Boardroom located at 725 NE Dean Drive. Please call 474-5700 for more information.
An annual report of Physical Restraint and Seclusion incidents for the Grants Pass SD is available on our website, The report is found within the Special Services Department section.
The district web page has the same information located at: Parent Resources – Annual Notice – Parent Information: